The Restock Report tracks products you regularly replenish and helps avoid stockouts or overstock to help maintain the health of your business.
Note: You must be subscribed to Insights to have access to the Restock Report.
To view the report, click Insights>Restock Report from the dropdown menu.
If you're viewing your Restock Report for the first time, the following article may be helpful to follow along with as you get started: Restock Report - Getting Started
Manually Add/Remove Tracked Items
You can add new items from your inventory to the Restock Report under your Report Options.
If needed, click the arrow towards the left of the page to open the Report Options menu.
Select Add Tracked Items.
This will open a window where you can search your inventory for MSKUs you want to add to the report, then update it accordingly.
To begin, search for the item(s) by entering the keywords, ASIN, FNSKU, MSKU, tags (enter # first), or UPC into the Search bar.
To help locate items, the Update Tracked Items window also has the following sortable columns:
Item Title (also shows the ASIN, MSKU, Fulfillment Channel, and qty On Hand for the item)
Status (Tracked or Not Tracked)
Lead Time (Can be edited in this window)
Once you locate the items you want to add to the report, click the Status toggle next to it to change it to Tracked or Not Tracked.
As you make changes to the status for items, the number next to Pending Updates will update accordingly to track the number of MSKUs that will be updated on the report.
After making your selections, click Update Report.
To edit or remove items currently tracked on the report, click Update Tracked Items from the Report Options menu.
This will open a window where you can review the MSKUs currently tracked on the report and make changes by following the steps detailed above.
After updating the report, a new report will generate to reflect the changes to the tracked items. The timestamp in the upper right corner of the report will update once finished.
Manually Add Tracked Items From the Inventory Pages
To add items to the Restock Report from the Inventory>FBA or Merchant pages, click the checkboxes next to them and click Add to Restock Report towards the bottom of the page.
In addition, you can manually enter Lead Times for items from the FBA and Merchant Inventory pages if you'd like to. For more information, please see: Assigning Lead Times Using the Inventory Pages
Searching the Report
You can search for items tracked on your Restock Report by keywords, ASIN, FNSKU, MSKU, tags (enter # first), or UPC using the Search Bar in the upper right corner.
Timestamp/Refreshing the Report
A timestamp is available in the upper right corner of the page, and it reflects the last time the report was updated.
The Restock Report updates automatically once per day. It will also update automatically when changes are made to it, such as when adding or removing tracked items within the report.
You can also manually refresh the report by clicking directly on the Refresh icon and timestamp.
Refreshing the report will update the data to reflect changes to settings, new sales, and replenishments that occurred since the last time it was updated.
Standard View
You can change what data is shown for the items tracked on the report by clicking View in the upper left corner.
The default view of the report is the Standard View, which shows data from the last 30 days sorted by Stock Status and Replenish By date. It includes the following sortable columns:
Item Title
On Hand
Sales Forecast
Stock Status
Est Replen Qty
Lead Time
Replenish By
You can change the data shown by adding additional columns and changing filters. You can also save the changes as Custom Views for quick access later. For more information, please see: Creating Custom Views
Report Options
To customize the data shown or export it, click the arrow in the left corner to reveal or hide the Report Options and Grid Customization menu.
Adding and Updating Tracked Items
Click Add Tracked Items to add new items from your inventory to the report, or click Update Tracked Items to edit or remove items currently tracked on the report.
These options will open a window where you can search for MSKUs to add or remove from the report by changing the Status toggle.
For steps to add and remove items, please see: Add/Remove Tracked Items
Creating Custom Views
You can create and save custom views of your Restock Report for easy access later. There is no limit to how many Custom Views you can create, so the options are (almost) endless!
To make one, click Create Custom View under Report Options.
A window will appear to set up your new Custom View.
Enter the name for the view (up to 20 characters) and choose the following View Defaults:
Report Timeframe - Show data for the last 7, 14, 30, 60, 90, 365 days, or All Time.
Est Replen Period - This sets the number of days the Est Replen Qty shown for items should cover you. The default setting is 30 days and can be changed to 60 or 90 days. (As an example, if 30 days is selected, the Est Replen Qty will reflect the number of units needed to avoid stockouts over the next 30 days.)
Outliers - If there is a sudden spike (high or low) in sales for an MSKU, we identify this as an Outlier. You can toggle including data for these instances to Included or Excluded.
Safety Stock - This is the amount of stock recommended to have on-hand in case you start selling more than usual. You can toggle including this data On or Off.
Stock Statuses - You can select to see only items in certain Stock Statuses. The status(es) with checkmarks next to them will be included.
Click the Stock Statuses individually to remove or add the checkmarks, then click "Done".
Channels - Choose to show MSKUs for a specific fulfillment channel (FBA or MFN) or both. The channels with checkmarks next to them will be included.
Click the channels individually to remove or add the checkmarks, then click "Done".
Sorting - You can filter how the data is shown in up to two columns by setting them up in your filters. By default, Sort 1 will have Stock Status descending in place.
You can change this to sort by any sortable column currently visible in the View by clicking directly into the Sort fields and changing the selections.
To switch between the columns displaying data in ascending or descending order, click on the arrow icons next to the Sort fields.
Tags - You can enter tags to filter results to only show MSKUs with those tags.
As you begin typing your tag, you will see that a hashtag is automatically added in front of it. To add multiple tags at once, tap the space or enter/return key on your keyboard or add a space in between the tags. If you need to delete an entered tag, click the "x" next to it. To delete all tags that were entered, click the large "X" to the right of the field.
Sales Status - You can choose to only include MSKUs that have had sales in the Timeframe selected by checking the box next to "Only Items w Sales".
Once you've made your View Selections, choose the columns you want to include in the Custom View by clicking the checkboxes next to them to select or remove them.
To expand or collapse this section, click the arrow in front of Column Options.
The selected columns will display under Visible Columns, and the ones not selected will be under Available Columns.
By clicking and holding the dots to the right of each Visible Column name, you can drag and release them to change the order they will appear on the Restock Report.
For a list of all the available columns, please see: Column Definitions
Once you're happy with your selections, click Save Custom View.
It will now be available to choose from when clicking the arrow next to the current View name.
You can edit Custom Views by clicking the pencil icon next to them or delete them by clicking the trash can icon.
You can also create Custom Views by making Grid Customization changes to the Standard View. To do this, click the arrow towards the left of the page to open the Report Options menu and locate the Grid Customization section.
The selected columns will display under Visible Columns, and the ones not selected will be under Available Columns.
Click the checkboxes next to the different column names to select or remove them.
By clicking and holding the dots to the right of each Visible Column name, you can drag and release them to change the order they will appear on the Restock Report.
Once you've made your selections, click Update Grid.
Next, click Save Changes as New View next to the View name.
When making Grid Customization changes to a Custom View you can choose to Update the custom View or Save as a New View with the changes next to the View name.
While making adjustments to any view, you can always click Undo View Changes to revert to the original view without saving the changes when needed.
Exporting Data
To export the report, click Export under the Report Options menu.
A drop-down menu will appear where you can choose to Export All Columns or Export Visible Columns.
You can export all available columns for the MSKUs currently being viewed on the Restock Report by clicking Export All Columns.
To only export the visible columns in the current view for the MSKUs being viewed, click Export Visible Columns.
Both options will bring up an additional window to allow you to change the file name and download the file in a .CSV spreadsheet format.
Stock Statuses
You can filter your items by Stock Status to focus only on the data you want to see by clicking the different options towards the top of the report.
The statuses include:
No Stock
Restock Now
Restock Soon
On Order
For information on the different statuses, please see: Restock Report - Stock Status Definitions
Depending on what data you want to see, you can select just one or multiple statuses.
When a Stock Status is grayed out, it is not selected, so items with the status are not shown in the grid. Clicking a Stock Status will select it, so the data is included in the grid.
While selecting individual Stock Statuses, you can click Show All to select them all.
You can also sort the Stock Status column in the report. The different statuses will display descending in the order listed above and ascending in the opposite order when the sort arrows are clicked. Clicking the arrows a third time will clear the sort.
Grid Adjustments
You can change the type of data shown in this report by changing the Grid Adjustments. These options are located towards the upper right of the page.
Outliers - If there is a sudden spike (high or low) in sales for an MSKU, we identify this as an Outlier. You can toggle including data for these instances On or Off.
Safety Stock - The amount of stock recommended to have on-hand in case you start selling more than usual.
Report Timeframe - The default view of this report shows data from the last 30 days. This can be changed to display data for the last 7, 14, 60, 90, 365 days, or All Time by clicking the calendar icon.
Est Replen Period - This sets the number of days the Est Replen Qty shown for items should cover you. The default setting is 30 days and can be changed to 60 or 90 days by clicking the calendar icon. (As an example, if 30 days is selected, the Est Replen Qty will reflect the number of units needed to avoid stockouts over the next 30 days.)
For information on the calculations for these, please see: Restock Report - Calculations
In addition to Grid Adjustments, you can further filter the data shown by, Channel, Tags, and Sales Status by clicking the funnel icon.
A menu will open where you can set up the following filter options:
Channels - Choose to show MSKUs for a specific fulfillment channel (FBA or MFN) or both. The channels with checkmarks next to them will be included.
Click the channels individually to remove or add the checkmarks, then click "Done".
Sorting - You can filter how the data is shown in up to two columns by setting them up in your filters. By default, Sort 1 and 2 will have Stock Status descending and Replenish By date ascending in place.
You can change this to sort by any sortable column currently visible in the View by clicking directly into the Sort fields and changing the selections.
To switch between the columns displaying data in ascending or descending order, click on the arrow icons next to the Sort fields.
Tags - You can enter tags to filter results to only show MSKUs with those tags.
As you begin typing your tag, you will see that a hashtag is automatically added in front of it. To add multiple tagsat once, tap the space or enter/return key on your keyboard or add a space in between the tags. If you need to delete an entered tag, click the "x" next to it. To delete all tags that were entered, click the large "X" to the right of the field.Sales Status - You can choose to only include MSKUs that have had sales in the Timeframe selected by checking the box next to "Only Items w/ Sales".
After making filter selections, click Apply Filtering to save them.
Row Actions
There are several actions you can take for an MSKU tracked on the Restock report.
To access these options, click the three lines to the far left of an item to reveal the Row Actions menu.
Chart This Item
Clicking this will show the Sales History & Forecast Graph for the MSKU.
For details on this graph, please see: Restock Report- Sales History & Forecast Graph
Add to Buy List
Clicking this will allow you to choose an Active Buy List to add the item to for quick replenishing. A list of your Active Buy Lists in Scoutify will appear for you to choose from.
For more information on this process, please see: Restock Report - How to Replenish MSKUs by Adding them to Active Buy Lists
View Inventory Detail
Mark As On Order/Edit On Order Status
When you restock an item, you can mark it as On Order on the Restock Report. Clicking this will allow you to enter information for the order.
Note: The On Order status is not used anywhere in InventoryLab outside of the Restock Report and does not affect your inventory data.
When the window appears, enter your Purchase Date, Quantity, and a Note for the order. After entering these details, click Mark as On Order to save them.
Once done, you'll see the ordered quantity entered under the On Hand column and the purchased date under the Stock Status column.
Clicking either of these links will allow you to edit the purchase information.
If you edit an order, be sure to click Save Changes so the changes stick.
You can also delete the order completely by clicking Remove Order.
Depending on your Settings, the order information will continue to show for the MSKU on the Restock Report until it is listed using Inventorylab, added/edited in Unlisted Inventory, or manually removed from the report.
For information on these settings, please see: Restock Report - Settings
Remove From Report
Clicking this will open the window to Update Tracked Items and turn the Status for the MSKU to "Not Tracked".
From here, you can make any additional changes to your tracked items if needed, then click Update Report to proceed with removing the item.
Column Definitions
When setting up Custom Views, you can choose from the following sortable columns:
Item Title - The product title for the item.
MSKU - The MSKU you have assigned an item. Clicking this will take you to the item's Replenishment page.
On Hand - This includes fulfillable, unfulfillable, and reserved inventory quantities of the item at the last update. Clicking this will take you to the item's Replenishment page.
Sales Forecast - A graph showing the sales forecast for the item in the viewed timeframe. Clicking this will expand the graph.
Stock Status - The status of the MSKU based on the on-hand quantity and your report settings.
Est Replen Qty - The estimated number of units recommended to replenish for an MSKU.
Lead Time - This displays the lead time entered at the last update.
Replenish By - This is the date on which you need to order or source additional quantities to avoid stocking out based on your Lead Time and report settings.
ASIN - Clicking this will take you to the item's Product Page on Amazon.
Average Buy Cost - The item's average cost/unit (buy cost) based on the costs recorded for the item on the Inventory pages.
Avg Daily Sales - This displays the average daily sales data for the item in the viewed timeframe.
Channel - The MSKU's fulfillment channel (FBA or MFN).
Days Remaining - The days remaining until the MSKU enters Restock Now status.
Est Replen Cost - The estimated cost of the units that are recommended to replenish for an MSKU.
FNSKU - The way that Amazon identifies a product as unique to the seller that has sent it to the Amazon fulfillment center. Clicking this will take you to the item's Replenishment page.
Forecast Model - The forecast model automatically assigned to the MSKU based on the data available.
Inbound - This is the inbound quantity of the item at the last update.
High Buy Cost- The highest cost/unit of the item recorded within the Inventory pages.
Current Buy Cost - The Active cost/unit for the item from the Inventory pages.
Latest Buy Cost - The most recent cost/unit of the item recorded within the Inventory pages.
Low Buy Cost - The lowest cost/unit of the item recorded within the Inventory pages.
Max Daily Sales - The maximum number of sales you've had in a day for an MSKU in the viewed timeframe.
Profit - The Net Profit of the sales for the item in the viewed timeframe.
Profit Margin - The Profit Margin% based on sales for the item in the viewed timeframe. Profit Margin = (Total Revenue - Total Expenses) / Total Revenue.
ROI - The ROI% of the sales for the item in the viewed timeframe. ROI =(Net Profit / Cost of Investment) X 100.
Sales History - A graph showing the sales history for the item in the viewed timeframe. Clicking this will expand the graph.
Suppliers - The most recent supplier recorded for the item within the Inventory pages for the viewed timeframe. If there are multiple suppliers in the timeframe, you will see a plus symbol which can be hovered over to show up to five of the most recently replenished suppliers.
Tags- These are tags entered for the item carried over from the Inventory pages. Clicking on tags will perform a search on the report for the tag. Tags can also be added, edited, or deleted by clicking the Edit icon in the column.
Total Sales - The number of sales for the item in the viewed timeframe. Clicking this will display the sales on the Accounting>FBA or Merchant Sales pages.
Unlisted Qty - The item quantity in your Unlisted Inventory at the last update. Clicking this will take you to the item's Unlisted Inventory Item Detail page.