Ready to replenish MSKUs that are tracked on your Restock Report? Save time by adding them to your Active Buy Lists in Scoutify with just a couple of clicks!
Note: You must be subscribed to Insights to have access to the Restock Report.
To begin, make sure you have an Active Buy List available to add items to. For steps to create one, please see- Scoutify 2: Buy List - Overview
Navigate to your Restock Report by clicking Insights from the top menu and selecting Restock Report.
Locate the MSKU you're ready to replenish and click the three lines to the far left of an item to reveal the Row Actions menu.
Select Add to Buy List.
A list of your Active Buy Lists in Scoutify will appear for you to choose from. Select the Active Buy List you want to use from the list.
Next, enter the details for your item.
This information includes:
Required Information
List Price
Purchase Date
Note: If you have the Purchase Date feature enabled in your Inventory Management Settings, the Purchase Date will automatically fill in with the current date.
Additional Information (Optional)
Tax Code
Expiration Date
Tax Rate
Confirm that the correct Buy List is selected or select a different one if needed.
Click Add to Buy List.
That's it! When you're ready to import the Buy List to Stratify, you'll see the MSKU will be included with the information entered.
For steps to import a Buy List, please see- Importing Your Buy List