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Scoutify 2: Buy List - Overview
Updated yesterday

Once you find an item you want to purchase, you will add it, along with the sourcing details, to your Buy Lists. These lists allow you to keep track of what items you purchased, where, and for how much, and you can separate them into individual lists in case you have multiple people sourcing for you.

Note: You can have Multiple Active Buy Lists so each person sourcing can have their own list!

Buy Lists also have the functionality to be imported into InventoryLab to create a batch!

Note: The Primary Account Owner will have access to all Buy Lists. However, Buy Lists created in the Primary Account will NOT be visible in the Employee login. If the Employee needs to create a batch from a Primary Buy List, it will need to be exported via email.

There are two different types of Buy Lists, Active Buy Lists and Archived Buy Lists. Both of these lists are accessed by tapping the shopping cart icon at the bottom of your Scoutify 2 screen:

Once you are on the Buy List screen, you can also search for items in your Active and Archived Buy Lists by using the search bar.


Active Buy Lists

To view your active lists, tap the Active Buy Lists option list towards the top of the screen so it is highlighted.


When adding an item to a Buy List on the Details screen, you can choose any of your Active Buy Lists:

Clicking on the Buy List arrow displays a drop-down of all your Active Buy Lists. Once a list has been chosen, this will be the default list chosen for items as you add more until you change it.

Adding a new Buy List

To add a new Buy List, tap the small + plus sign in the bottom right corner of the screen.


You can enter a custom name, or leave it as the default name, which is the date. Then, tap Save.

The new Buy List will now be available to choose from while sourcing.

Managing an Active Buy List

When viewing your Active Buy Lists, you can rename or remove them if needed by swiping left on a Buy List name. This will display Rename or Remove as options:

Tapping Rename will open a window where you can rename your Buy List.

Tapping Remove will open a window asking you to confirm that you want to remove the Buy List. Tapping Remove once more to confirm will permanently delete the Buy List.

To view the contents of a Buy List, tap the name to open it.

Once the Buy List is open, you'll see all the items in it and will have several choices along the bottom of the screen.

As items are added to a Buy List, the Total Item Cost at the bottom will update to reflect the total cost of the items in the list.

At the bottom of the screen, you'll also see four action icons. The arrow icon resorts the items in the list, the paper airplane icon exports the list, the folder icon archives it, and the trash can icon removes the list.

You can also delete a single item from your Active Buy List by swiping left on that item to reveal a button with a trash can icon to remove it.


Tapping it will open a window asking you to confirm that you want to remove the item from the Buy List.

To edit the purchase details for items in your Active Buy Lists, tap the item in the list and make any needed changes on the next screen.

Archived Buy Lists

Archived Buy Lists are not deleted from Scoutify but are not available to be chosen when adding items to Buy Lists while sourcing.

To view your archived lists, tap the Archived Buy Lists option list towards the top of the Buy List screen so it is highlighted.


Archiving an Active Buy List

To archive an Active Buy List, tap the name to open it while on the Active Buy Lists screen, then tap the folder icon.

You will be asked to confirm this choice:

By tapping Yes, the list will be moved from the Active Buy Lists screen to the Archived Buy Lists screen:

Now that the list has been archived, it will no longer be available to choose from while sourcing.

Managing an Archived Buy List

When viewing your Archived Buy Lists, you can rename or remove them if needed by swiping left on a Buy List name. This will display Rename or Remove as options:


Tapping Rename will open a window where you can rename your Buy List.

Tapping Remove will open a window asking you to confirm that you want to remove the Buy List. Tapping Remove once more to confirm will permanently delete the Buy List.

To view the contents of a Buy List, tap the name to open it.

Once the Buy List is open, you'll see all the items in it and will have several choices along the bottom of the screen.

The Total Buy Cost amount for how much you spent on those items in your list is displayed just as it is for the Active Buy Lists. The only change is the icons. You have all the same icons you see for Active Buy Lists (the arrow to resort, the paper airplane to export, and the trash can to remove), except for the archive icon.

In its place is the Reactivate Buy List icon:

Tapping the Reactivate Buy List icon will move the Archived Buy List to the Active Buy List screen.

You will be asked to confirm this choice:

Once reactivated, the list will display on the Active Buy List screen, and it will be available to choose from again while sourcing.

While you cannot add items to Archived Buy Lists, you can still edit the purchase details of items in them by tapping them.

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