Fulfilled by Amazon (FBA) has its own page that can be navigated from the Inventory tab in InventoryLab.
Inventory Sync
Inventory updates on the FBA Overview Page approximately every 4-8 hours throughout the day by syncing your current inventory from Amazon. You can see the last time a sync was performed at the top of the page.
Listed/Archived Toggle
The default view of the FBA Inventory page is Listed, which shows your Active and Inactive (out of stock) listings. To see listings that have been deleted, closed, or blocked, click the toggle to change the view from Live to Archived.
For information on Archived Inventory, please see: Archived Inventory
Searching Inventory
You can search for your inventory by keywords, ASIN, FNSKU, MSKU, tags (enter # first), or UPC by using the search function on the upper right corner of the Inventory Page.
You can expand your search further by doing an advanced search, by selecting the funnel button to the left of the search box. This will bring up an additional window to input more keywords along with tags to search by.
Advanced Search lets you search by:
Suppliers - Searches by Active Suppliers only
Status - All, Has Alerts, Active, Out of Stock
Main Inventory Page
You can view your inventory items with a variety of different sortable columns using the Standard View or by creating a Custom View.
Standard View
InventoryLab provides you with a standard view by default:
The following columns make up the main Inventory pages in Standard View:
Title (also shows ASIN, Condition, Tags, and any Alerts for that item)
MSKU - The MSKU you have assigned an item
FNSKU - The way that Amazon identifies a product as unique to the seller that has sent it to the Amazon fulfillment center.
On Hand - This includes fulfillable, unfulfillable, and reserved inventory
Replenishments - The Number of Replenishments for the MSKU
List Price - The price that the item is being sold at
Active Cost/Unit - The current Cost/Unit based on the currently active replenishment row
Active Supplier - The current Supplier based on the currently active replenishment row
The Active Cost/Unit and Active Supplier of the item reflects the purchasing information of the next to be sold unit.
The information cannot be manually edited from the main page, but clicking on any of the data under the following headers will take you to the Replenishments page:
Active Cost/Unit
Active Supplier
If you click on the Active Cost/Unit for an item you will be taken to the current Cost/Unit sequence InventoryLab is using.
Creating a Custom View
A custom view can be created by selecting the three stacked dots>Manage Custom Views.
Once selected, an additional window will appear, enabling you to edit a custom view.
In Columns to Include, you can add up to 8 different columns to create a view that presents the following information:
Item (Required)
MSKU (Required)
List Price
On Hand
Active Cost/Unit
Active Supplier
Active Purchased Date
Lead Time
Active Note
Up to 5 custom views can be saved in InventoryLab, these can be selected via the Select View drop-down menu.
To make a custom view the default view when entering the FBA Inventory page, select the checkbox next to Make Default.
If a view is no longer needed, it can be deleted via the Delete View button.
Tags can be added to an item by selecting the Add Tags button below the item's ASIN. This will bring up a pop-up window to input your tags. At this time you are allowed up to 16 tags and each tag can have up to 16 characters.
Once all tags have been added, select Save Updates to finalize them.
If you need to edit tags for any of the items, select the Pencil Icon to enable the pop-up window again and edit your tags.
Filtering Tags
You can filter your inventory by clicking on a specific tag, doing this will show you all the inventory that is associated with a specific tag. You can select multiple tags to filter by clicking additional tags.
Import Inventory Data
You can update the cost/unit, supplier, and purchase dates for existing MSKUs in your inventory by selecting the three stacked dots to bring up an additional menu and selecting Import Inventory Data.
For more information, please see: Bulk Import Accounting Details into Inventory via .CSV
Export Inventory Data/Replenishment Data
You can export your inventory data or your full replenishment data by selecting the three stacked dots>Export Inventory Data or Export Replenishment Data.
This will bring up an additional window to allow you to change the file name if necessary and to download the file in a spreadsheet format.
Inventory Information
You can access additional Inventory information by selecting the three stacked dots>FBA Inventory Info.
The following information is contained within this box:
Last Updated - The last time a sync was performed (in PDT)
Total In-Stock Items - The total number of on-hand items reported to InventoryLab from Amazon
Total MSKUs - The total number of MSKUs that are present within your Inventory.
Total In-Stock Cost/Unit - This is a calculation of the on-hand totals multiplied by the buy cost of the sort sequence that the quantity belongs to. Each total is added up for each MSKU to create the sum of the Total In-Stock Buy Cost.
Total In-Stock Sales Value - This is a calculation of the on hand totals multiplied by the list price of an MSKU. Each total is added up for each MSKU to create the sum of the Total In-Stock Sales Value.
Bulk Functions
You can take action on multiple items by selecting the checkbox on the left column. This can be done by either selecting the checkbox at the very top to select all items on the page or by selecting the checkboxes individually.
Once Selected, additional options will appear in which you can do the following:
Bulk Edit/Add to Draft - Edit accounting information, cost/unit, suppliers in bulk, you can learn more about this process here.
Print Labels - Print labels for your inventory with a thermal printer by selecting this option
Print 30 Up Labels - Download labels as a .PDF to your computer's downloads folder to be printed with your preferred inkjet or laser printer with this option
Delete - Delete inventory from your pages, please note that this will also remove the inventory from Seller Central. You can learn more about deleting inventory here.
Add to Restock Report - Add MSKUs to the Restock Report. You can learn more about the report here.
Note: You must be subscribed to Insights to have access to the Restock Report.
What's next?
For more information on your inputting your Other Income please review Other Income
If you're interested in learning about importing your Other Expenses in bulk, please review this article: Bulk Import Accounting Details into Other Expenses via .CSV
To review how your Profit & Loss is displayed you can peruse this article: Profit & Loss