Looking for a quick start? Here are some step-by-step instructions on how to list an FBA batch.
This article is for FBA batches with Box Contents On. If you want to create an FBA batch with Box Contents Off, see Listing with Box Contents Off.
Creating a New Batch
Select List > List & Prep from the main menu in the upper left.
Click the plus button in the upper-left corner of the page or Start a Batch.
Choose your batch settings. If you have a buy list in Scoutify or a CSV file, you can import your buy list now. Then click Start Your Batch.
Note: The Box Contents option On - Using 2D Barcode is not yet available. Read the full explanation of each option in Starting a Batch.
Your batch will display on the left side of the page, underneath Open Batches.
Adding Items to Your Batch (Find It)
Prefer learning visually? You can watch our Find It video walkthrough and then skip down to Assigning Box Content Information (Box It). Otherwise, simply scroll past the video below to keep reading.
Video notes:
Submitting batches via 2D barcode is not yet supported, even though it is shown in this video.
Product History is now hidden by default; you can toggle it on to see it.
This video states that your quantities are locked in once you move to Box It. However, you can adjust item quantities by up to six items or 5% in Seller Central after you pay for shipping.
The text for the Next: Box It button is now just Next.
Click into the search bar. With your cursor still in the search bar, scan a UPC or type in an item's ASIN, ISBN, title, UPC, keyword, or FNSKU of a previous MSKU to search for it.
Select your item once you have located it. If the item is already in your Inventory, you will have the option to replenish an existing MSKU or create a new one.
Fill in your item listing details and click Add to Batch.
The number in Total Quantity will be added to any existing quantity already on sale.
More help with this form is available in the following articles:
If the item is a newly created MSKU, there can be anywhere from a 10- to 120-minute processing time for the item to be validated by Seller Central. You can continue adding other items in the meantime. To check on a pending MSKU, you can click Revalidate Item to check the status.
Get answers to common questions about MSKU creation in our Pending Offer Creation article.
If your items are not yet validated when you try to submit your batch, you will be met with this error: The following MSKUs are not available for inbound. If these were recently added, please try again later.Once your items are validated and you have reviewed your batch, click Next at the bottom right of the screen.
Assigning Box Content Information (Box It)
If you're a visual learner, check out our Box It video guide! Otherwise, scroll past the video to keep reading these instructions.
Video notes:
You no longer need to restart a batch if you discover your quantities are slightly off. You can adjust item quantities by up to six items or 5% in Seller Central later, after you pay for shipping.
We have added the option to restore a batch as promised!
Submitting batches via 2D barcode is in working development and will be available soon.
Scanning UPC barcodes will only work with items that have been manually added to a batch by searching in Find It.
Deleting boxes in InventoryLab has been found to cause mismatches between InventoryLab's box numbers and Amazon's.
If you do delete any boxes, be sure to use our new Packing ID labels by clicking the purple printer icon next to each box, which will help you match labels correctly in Ship It.
The Next: Ship It button is now simply Next.
Archive Batch has been renamed Close Batch.
You are now able to continue to Ship It rather than completing your shipment in Seller Central!
Once the new window opens, click Start Boxing My Batch.
Note: Despite the warning above, you can change your quantities for each SKU by up to 5% or six items in Seller Central after you've purchased your shipping labels.
You can Go Back if you have to edit your batch.
You will start in Group 1 with Box 1.
Depending on what you’re planning to ship, Amazon may break your batch up into different “pack groups.” For example, if you have some hazmat items, Amazon might create one group for hazmat and one for everything else. Each box can only contain items from a single pack group.
In InventoryLab, pack groups will appear as different Group # tabs.
If you need more than one box in this pack group, click + New Box. Add as many boxes as you need.
Alternatively, if you'll have a bunch of identical, single-SKU boxes with the same contents, weights, and dimensions, try Quick Box!
On the left, click the box you're currently working on, which will highlight it:
Enter the quantity to assign to the highlighted box. Click Add to Box #.
Repeat the assigning steps by clicking a box name to highlight it and then assigning your units to each box.
For info on more box content features, see Providing Box Contents Using Feeds.
Continue until you have assigned all items to boxes.
If you haven't already done so, fill in the weight and dimensions of each of your boxes. This can be done in one of two ways. Both options are shown below.
The first way, and the fastest with Box Contents On, is to:
Click Next in the bottom-right corner.
Fill in the weight and dimensions for all boxes at once. Finally, click Save and continue and skip down to Step 7.
The second option is to add each box's weight and dimensions one at a time:
Repeat for each box in each group. Then click Next.
Completing an SPD Shipment (Ship It)
Once you click Next, a new window will open. Choose your Shipping Mode: Small Parcel Shipments - SPD, or Less Than Truckload Shipment(s) - LTL.
We'll walk through the SPD flow below. For help with LTL, see Box Contents Using Feed - Completing LTL Shipments.
Click Confirm Shipping Mode.
On the new window, you will see all the Shipment Placement Options available. Click an option to show its details.
Click the pencil in the Carrier field, then choose your carrier.
Today's date is automatically selected as the ship date. If you are not shipping today, click into the Ship Date field and select the date you will make your shipment.
If you chose any Carrier option other than Partnered Carrier, click into the Delivery Window field. Select a seven-day period estimating when the package should arrive. (You can change this in Seller Central anytime before the seven-day period you chose begins.)
Click Confirm Placement.
Review your charges and click the Accept all fees and shipment charges checkbox to agree. Confirm by clicking Purchase All Shipping Labels.
Click Print Box and Shipping Labels.
With your labels are purchased and printed, you're all set! Label your boxes and ship them to Amazon, then click Close this Batch.