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List 2.0 Overview
Updated over a week ago

Listing with InventoryLab

List has many capabilities and features to list products that are already in the Amazon Catalog, and seamlessly works with products already in your inventory that you are looking to restock.

Note that you cannot create completely new listings in InventoryLab, you can only list against existing ASINs in Amazon's Product Catalog. If you have a product that needs a new ASIN Catalog page, please use Seller Central to create the ASIN. Once the new ASIN has been created, you can come back to InventoryLab and add the ASIN to a batch if you wish.

Thermal Label Printing

Listing with InventoryLab is most efficient when you are using a thermal label printer. This allows you to print labels while you list automatically so that you can list items as you go. The recommended label printer for InventoryLab is a DYMO 450 LabelWriter or a DYMO 450 Turbo.

30 Up Label Printing

You can generate 30 Up labels (standard laser printer labels, 30 labels per letter-sized sheet) in InventoryLab. These labels will download as a .PDF to your computer's downloads folder to be printed with your preferred laser printer.

30 Up labels will not print automatically as you list or edit items like thermal labels can and will need to be generated manually.

What is a batch?

Think of a batch like your own shopping basket or cart at the store. You go and find items you want and place them in your cart, you may put some items back on the shelf or decide to stock up on chips since they’re on sale. Once your cart is full of all you need, then you go to the checkout and pay for the items to take home. This is an apt analogy to describe how InventoryLab works:

  • Your batch (or cart) is where you enter all the items you want to sell on Amazon

  • Just like a shopping cart, a batch can have items added, removed, or replaced until you are ready to checkout and pay.

  • Checking out translates to syncing your item listings to Amazon and creating shipments for them (if for an FBA batch)

  • When a batch gets checked out, it is no longer active, just like at the store if you forgot something, you would come back in and grab a new basket (start a new batch)

If you think of batches as described in this analogy you’re already well on your way to understanding the concept behind InventoryLab’s Listing functionality.

How does a batch relate to FBA shipments?

We recommend that you relate a batch to a session, as opposed to a shipment. The best way to use the batch functionality is to only work on one batch for each MSKUs shipment or group of MSKUs you are listing to Amazon. Once you are finished, complete the batch by syncing the product listing feeds and creating all of the shipments. Make sure your batch is closed when you are finished. When you're ready to list more items, create a new batch and start the process again.

How quickly should I finish a batch after starting it?

Before determining how quickly you need to complete a batch, it is important to consider your workflow and how you handle the distributed inventory process:

How do I replenish an item?

If you are listing an item that is already in your Inventory, we will automatically recognize this and provide you with an option to use the same MSKU.

From there, all you'll need to do is enter the new purchase information (supplier, purchase date, and cost/unit), as well as the quantity you would like to add to your inventory. A new replenishment row will be created automatically and the purchase details will be applied to the sales for the item on a FIFO (first in first out) basis.

Closing Batches

When you finish the workflow for a batch, it should close automatically for you. If you find that your batches remain open after you've finished them, we recommend checking to make sure a step in the batch workflow isn't being missed.

With that being said, if your Open Batches list contains any batches that you are no longer working on, have already shipped, or completed; then we recommend closing the batch so that your List & Prep page only contains batches that you are working on.

You can close batches whenever you wish and it is very easy to do so. It’s important to note that closing a batch does not remove any of its data.

To close a batch, you will want to hover near the batch name on the left menu and click the three stacked dots, then click Close Batch

Once you have confirmed you have closed the batch, you can always view it again by going to History>Archived Batches. Here you can restore your batch to open, review data, export, or even print labels if needed.

If you need to start a batch over, you’ll have to create a new batch.

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