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When + Why to Change a Removal to Sellable or Unsellable
When + Why to Change a Removal to Sellable or Unsellable
Updated over 3 weeks ago

As a rule of thumb, you will mark any item you can no longer sell again as Unsellable on the Disposition Management page.

If you plan to sell the item again, regardless of the Amazon disposition (even if on another marketplace), you will mark the removal as Sellable.

July 1st, 2019- Present Data

For the data starting July 2019, changes in the disposition of removals are managed on the Accounting>Disposition Management page.

For the disposition of a removal, you'll just need to click either the Sellable or Unsellable button for each item on the Disposition Management page.

In the screenshot above, we have 1 Defective, or Unsellable item. The Buy Cost Credit is $2.63. Click on the Unsellable button and a dropdown box appears.

To change this item from Unsellable to Sellable, click the Down Arrow or type the 1 into the dropdown box and press the Enter key in the dropdown box:

To make the dropdown box go away, click anywhere else on the page.

This action causes several changes:

  • The quantity will change to 0 on the Unsellable button and in the dropdown box

  • The Unsellable button will turn gray

  • The Sellable button will turn green and its quantity will change from 0 to 1

  • The Buy Cost Credit column changes to reflect the correct logic depending on the removal.

  • A date of modification will appear to the right of the Unsellable box, indicating when this was manually changed

To understand what Cost/Unit changes to expect, see the below articles:

If you have multiple items in the removal, you can split the quantities between the two dispositions by adjusting the amounts for each button.

Default Disposition Settings

The disposition status on the Disposition Management page can be set to default if you find that most of them are coming in with one disposition or the other. You can also choose to just accept Amazon's disposition by default for FBA removals.

To select a default disposition for FBA items that have been removed, or for Merchant (MFN) returns, click on the small gear icon under the blue Advanced Search button:


You will be brought to the Accounting page in Settings where you can set up the default dispositions.


Note: These settings will be applied to FBA Removals and MFN Returns going forward. It will not affect past transactions.

Prior to July 1st, 2019 Data

For your data prior to July 2019, changes to the disposition are done on the Accounting>Refunds page. When you make a decision on whether the item is Sellable or Unsellable, just click the dropdown arrow of the correct disposition and increase the quantity.

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