Item(s) ineligible from being inbounded, with reason: NOT_IN_PRODUCT_CATALOG.
You could be receiving the NOT_IN_PRODUCT_CATALOG error for one of four reasons:
The item is classified as hazmat.
The item is restricted from being sold on Amazon and/or you are restricted from selling it.
The item listing is being suppressed by Amazon for not meeting search criteria.
The item legitimately isn’t in the Amazon catalog anymore.
Amazon could have simply removed this ASIN from the catalog or has possibly changed it since the last time you listed it. To be sure, you’ll want to contact Seller Support to find out the specifics regarding this ASIN and whether or not you should go by a different ASIN in order to list it.
If you need to remove the item from your batch, please follow the steps here- How To Delete an Item From a Batch