This operation may be partially successful, Please check the status. Reason: Invalid item for MSKU XXXXXXXXXX with reason ITEM_WITH_NO_VALID_FC.
The item has no eligible Fulfillment Center as it is hazmat (dangerous goods) so you can not list it as FBA.
You can test this by adding this ASIN to a shipping plan directly in Seller Central. After you have entered the price, label options, moved past the Dangerous Goods page, and selected a packing type, click the button to continue with the shipping plan. At that point, you'll see the message similar to the one below and won't be able to proceed:
If you think this is a mistake, reach out to Seller Support directly as the message states for more insight or to see if they can clear the message.
Once they are able to route it to a Fulfillment Center properly, you should no longer see errors in SC or in InventoryLab when trying to list it. Alternatively, you can try listing the item as Merchant Fulfilled.