This article covers the graphs available on the Restock Report.
Note: To access the Restock Report and the rest of Insights, you must be a Seller 365 Pro subscriber.
Clicking the graphs shown in the Sales Forecast and Sales History columns on the Restock Report for an MSKU will expand the graph to see more details.
Hovering your cursor over the "i" next to the title of the item displays information about the MSKU being viewed.
On Hand Quantity
Estimated Replenishment Quantity
Lead Time
Avg Daily Sales
Estimated Replenishment Cost
Forecast Model
High Buy Cost
Inbound Quantity
Low Buy Cost
Unlisted Inventory Quantity
Data Points
The top portion of the graph shows several data points at a glance.
Current Status: The current Stock Status of the MSKU and the Replenish By date.
Sales: The number of units sold for the item in the viewed timeframe.
ROI: The ROI% of the sales for the item in the viewed timeframe.
Profit: The Net Profit of the sales for the item in the viewed timeframe.
Profit Margin: The Profit Margin% based on sales for the item in the viewed timeframe.
Graph Adjustments
You can change the type of data shown by changing the Grid Adjustments. These options are located towards the upper right of the graph.
Outliers: If there is a sudden spike (high or low) in sales for an MSKU, we identify this as an Outlier. You can toggle including data for these instances On or Off.
Safety Stock: The amount of stock recommended to have on-hand in case you start selling more than usual.
Report Timeframe: The default view of this graph shows data for the timeframe being viewed on the report. This can be changed to display data for the last 7, 14, 30, 60, 90, 365 days, or All Time by clicking the calendar icon.
Est Replen Period: This sets the number of days the Est Replen Qty shown for items should cover you. The default setting is 30 days and can be changed to 60 or 90 days by clicking the calendar icon. (As an example, if 30 days is selected, the Est Replen Qty will reflect the number of units needed to avoid stockouts over the next 30 days.)
For more information on these, please see Restock Report - Calculations.
Viewing the Graph
The first portion of the graph shows your Sales History, while the second portion shows your Sales Forecast based on the forecast model assigned to the MSKU.
Note: The Sales Forecast projection date limit for Linear and Moving Average forecast models is 90 days while the Seasonality forecast model can show up to one year.
The hatched area of the Sales Forecast portion of the graph is the range of predicted sales based on the item's forecast model using an 80% confidence interval.
The Replenish By Date and the dates the MSKU changed between different Stock Statuses are also included on the graph.
Note: The graph will also change color when the MSKU changes between different Stock Statuses to match the different Stock Status icons.
The available Stock Statuses include:
No Stock
Restock Now
Restock Soon
On Order
For information on the different statuses, please see Restock Report - Stock Status Definitions.
You can hover your cursor over the bold line to see when the item changed Stock Statuses, the number of recorded sales in the Sales History portion of the graph, or projected sales in the Sales Forecast portion for the MSKU.
To zoom in, click and hold your mouse at the beginning of the data you'd like to see and drag your cursor to the end of the data. Once you let go, the graph will show a zoomed view of the data within your selection. You can perform multiple zooms if needed.
To go back to the original view of the graph, click Zoom Out.
To close the graph, click Dismiss.