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Category Profitability
Updated over 3 weeks ago

The Category Profitability report takes into account sales and refunds for both your FBA and MFN listings to provide a snapshot of your profit by category. This allows you to quickly see which categories are your best performing and which may be struggling or simply a smaller part of your business.

Note: For the Profitability reports, data is pulled from sales even if in an Estimated status, so the revenue you see is subject to change within an open settlement period.

Although sales and refunds are accounted for, reimbursements and overhead expenses like inbound shipping/promos are not included in the totals shown on these reports.

To view the report, select Reports>Category Profitability.


The default view of this page shows data from the last 1 month. The Advanced Search can be utilized to view the entries within a specific timeframe or a custom date range. You can also search the report by Order ID, Title, ASIN, MSKU, or by scanning the UPC.


You can Export any view you select.

The report contains the following sortable columns:

  • Category - This will show all of the categories with sales for the selected time period.

  • Units Sold - The quantity of units sold for that category in the time period selected. (Order item shipped qty)

  • Units Refunded - The total number of units refunded for the selected timeframe.

  • MFN Shipping - The amount of MFN shipping for that category in the selected timeframe.

  • Revenue - The revenue of the orders for that category in the time period selected. Refunds from the same time period are deducted from this total.

  • % Of Revenue - The percent of revenue that category made up in the time period selected. Refunds from the same time period are deducted from this total. (Specific category revenue divided by total revenue)

  • Profit - Sales revenue for that category in the time period selected minus the sales expenses. Refunds from the same time period are deducted from this total.

  • ROI % - The Return on Investment of the orders for that category in the time period selected. (Profit/buy cost of orders and refunded orders*100.)

  • On Hand - The number of units on hand for MSKUs in that category.

Note: The Category will only be on the report if you sold an item with that category during the timeframe you are researching, but the On Hand value should contain any MSKUs in inventory that you have with that category and not just the ones sold.


TheTotals bar at the bottom of the report shows the following values for the timeframe being viewed:

  • Units Sold

  • Units Refunded

  • Revenue

  • Profit

  • On Hand


Hovering over the bar graph reveals quick-glance profitability for each category.


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