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Bulk Import Accounting Details into Inventory via .CSV
Bulk Import Accounting Details into Inventory via .CSV
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Importing purchase details into your inventory is easy, and should be the first step you take once your inventory has finished syncing from Seller Central! Just follow the steps below.

Note: These steps can be taken for both the Listed and Archived views of the Inventory > FBA & Merchant pages.

If the item no longer exists in either your Listed or Archived Inventory views, you can follow the steps to update the buy cost information in bulk on your Sales pages.

Additionally, importing your purchase details will not work for items that have replenishments. For these, you will be prompted to add your replenishment items to a bulk edit draft.

  1. Navigate to Inventory > FBA or Merchant.


  2. Click the stacked dots and choose Export Inventory Data.


  3. Open up your exported file and update the cost/unit, supplier, and/or date purchased information. You can also add tags for MSKUs to import them in bulk.

    Some things to keep in mind when importing:

    • You can import data for up to 2,000 MSKUs at a time.

    • Cost/unit can NOT have a $ character and date must be Month/Day/4 digit year.

    • At this time, importing Tags will overwrite any existing tags entered for MSKUs.

    • Importing Lead Times will overwrite any existing Lead Times entered for MSKUs.

  4. When you are ready to import, navigate back into your inventory page in InventoryLab. Click the 3 stacked dots and choose Import Inventory Data.


  5. Click Browse and select the file on your computer. Then, click Validate.


  6. The next screen allows you to match the fields in InventoryLab with the columns in your .CSV file. The required fields are indicated in Red.


    Note: If you have the Purchase Date feature enabled in your Inventory Management Settings, Purchased Date will not be a required field since it will automatically fill in with the current date.

    For information on Importing Tags Only, please see Bulk Import Tags into Inventory via .CSV.

    For information on Importing Lead Times Only, please see Bulk Import Lead Times into Inventory via .CSV.

  7. After selecting the correct columns to import from for each field, click Process File.


  8. You will be taken to a validation screen.


    If everything is great for a specific MSKU and set to import, you will see a green "Review Complete" message next to it in the Review column.

    If not, you'll see a red message in the Review column and options to correct the issue in the Actions column. You can take action individually or in bulk at the bottom of the page:



    • Add to Bulk Edit Draft: Items with replenishments can be added to a bulk draft. It does NOT carry over purchasing information, as the system wouldn't know whether it needs to be a new replenishment or carried to an existing one.

    • Remove from Import: Clicking Remove from Import removes the item from the validation process so it will not be updated.

    • Import Tags Only: To only update Tags for an MSKU and not the purchase details, click Import Tags Only.

    • Import Lead Time Only: To only update Lead Time for an MSKU and not the purchase details, click Import Lead Time Only.

  9. Once everything is looking good and all issues are corrected, click Complete Review.


  10. You will see a confirmation of what will be updated. Click the confirmation to apply the updates to the MSKUs.


    That’s it! You should now receive an "Import Success" message.


Note: Imported changes can take up to 20 minutes to take effect on your account.

What's next?

  • If you need to make adjustments to your accounting information, and the items do not exist in your inventory, check out our Bulk Import Accounting Details Into Sales via CSV article.

  • If your items have replenishments and you need to make adjustments to accounting information in bulk, view our Bulk Edit article.

  • For more information on inventory that has been blocked, deleted or closed you can view our article on Archived Inventory.

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