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Bulk Import Accounting Details into Sales via .CSV
Bulk Import Accounting Details into Sales via .CSV
Updated over 3 weeks ago

If you need to update purchase details for past orders in bulk, but your items are no longer displayed on the Listed or Archived views of Inventory pages, you can import your costs directly into your Accounting > FBA Sales or Accounting > Merchant Sales pages.

Note: You should only make updates in your Accounting tab to MSKUs that no longer exist in both your Listed or Archived Inventory views. This is because our system is designed to sync your Cost/Unit and Supplier details from the Inventory > FBA and Merchant pages.

If you update sales in the Accounting tab, but the MSKU is still in your inventory, the information will be overwritten by the information in the Inventory tab with any type of sync, update, or replenishment to the MSKU.

Additionally, if you're looking for steps to add Shipping Costs to Merchant Sales specifically, please see - Add Merchant-Fulfillment Shipping Costs to Merchant Sales


Finding Sales with No Buy Cost

1. Click on Accounting at the top of your screen and select either FBA Sales or Merchant Sales.


The default view of this page shows all shipped orders from the last 1 month, so you'll want to make sure you are viewing the data you need to update before exporting.

2. To update items with no Cost/Unit information, click the Advanced Search button and change the search for transactions with No Buy Cost. You can also change the date range of the data shown if needed.


3. Once you've made your selections, click Search to display the results.

You can search sales by Order ID, MSKU, ASIN, Title, UPC or use the Advanced Search function to further filter the orders.

For more details on the Advanced Search function, please see- Sales Pages - FBA and Merchant

Exporting Your Sales Data

1. After you choose to filter or not, click Export to save a .CSV file of the results to your computer.


2. Open the file and add the Cost/Unit and/or Supplier details to the orders.

3. Save the changes to the file.

Note: The Buy Cost column in the exported files displays the total cost for the item in the order. If there's more than one quantity in the order, you'll need to edit the Buy Cost so that it accurately reflects the cost per one unit.

Additionally, you do not need to add a negative sign in front of the Cost/Unit.

Importing Your Sales Data

1. On the Accounting > FBA Sales (or Merchant Sales) page click Import.


You'll first receive a reminder that this option is only for sales with items no longer in your Inventory pages.

2. Select your import type. You'll have 2 options for how to import into your Sales pages:


Cost Per MSKU: This allows you to import your cost for all of an MSKU at once. This will change every order under that MSKU to the same Buy Cost.

  • For best results, import a file containing a single order with the Cost/Unit of the MSKU.

Cost Per Order ID: This allows you to import different costs and suppliers based on your Order IDs.

  • Importing Supplier data is only available using the Cost Per Order ID selection.

Once you have chosen how you will be importing your data, you will see a screen that asks you to choose the file you want to import.

3. Locate the file on your computer and click Next.


4. Match the fields in Stratify with the columns in your .CSV file. The required fields are indicated in Red.

The Cost Per MSKU option requires 2 columns: one that corresponds to MSKU and one that corresponds to your Buy Cost.


The Cost Per Order ID option requires 2 columns: one that corresponds to Order ID and one that corresponds to your Cost/Unit.


5. Once you select the correct columns to import from for each field, click Next.

That’s it! You should now receive an Import Success message. Imported changes can take up to 20 minutes to affect your account.


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