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ScoutX: Overview
Updated over 2 weeks ago

ScoutX is a Google Chrome browser extension designed to help you make informed purchasing decisions by providing quick access to a product's restrictions, variations, category, rank, and fee details.

Getting Started

To get started as a ScoutX, all you'll need is the Google Chrome browser (make sure you're signed into Chrome) and your InventoryLab account email address and password.

How to Install

  1. Navigate to your Google Chrome Browser.

  2. Click Add to Chrome.


    A window will appear where you can review how ScoutX will interact with your browser.

  3. Click Add extension to proceed.


    • You'll see another window confirming that ScoutX has been added to Chome.


Pinning the ScoutX Extension

You have the option to pin the ScoutX extension for quick access on your browser.

  1. Click the puzzle piece icon next to your URL bar.

  2. Locate ScoutX from the list of extensions.

  3. Click the pin icon next to it.


Automatic Updates

Once you have installed and enabled ScoutX on your browser, it should update automatically as we push out updates. With that being said, you will want to make sure your extensions are set to sync with Chrome to have the updates reflected.

Steps for checking your settings can be found below.

  1. Click the vertical ellipses next to your profile picture in Chrome.

  2. Select Settings from the menu.

  3. Click Sync and Google services.


  4. Click Manage what you sync.


    • If you have Sync everything selected, Extensions will automatically be selected to sync.

    • If you have Custom Sync selected, make sure Extensions is selected in the list of the data available to sync.


    • For more information on syncing data in Chrome, please see: Sign in & sync in Chrome.

Signing In and Out

To see all the information ScoutX can provide with items, you'll need to sign in using your InventoryLab account credentials.

  1. Click the ScoutX extension icon on your browser.


  2. Sign in using your InventoryLab/Threecolts email address and password.


Note: If you are currently signed in to InventoryLab in your browser, you will automatically be signed in to the ScoutX extension.

3. To log out, click the ScoutX icon and select Log Out.

  • Click the toggle to Off to prevent ScoutX from showing information when viewing Amazon's website.

  • When ScoutX is active on a website, its icon color will be blue. When it is inactive, it will be grey.


Manage Product Alert, Layout, Calculation, and Custom Research Shortcut settings for the extension by clicking the gear icon.


Note: This icon is available when viewing a product's detail page on


Depending on where you are on Amazon's website, ScoutX will show different details for products. Search Results Page

After searching for an item on, ScoutX will either display information below the items or next to them, depending on how the results return.


You'll see the following information for each item that is returned:

  • ASIN: Can be copied by clicking the icon next to the ASIN.

  • Rank and Category: The rank for each available category. Clicking this will open a new tab showing the best-selling ASINs in the category.

  • Variations: The number of variations for the ASIN currently in the catalog.

  • Sellers: The number of offers on the listing. Clicking the value will take you to the item's detail page with a pop-out that shows the offers on the listing.

  • Buy Box: The fulfillment channel of the listing that has the Buy Box.

  • Research Shortcuts: Links to websites you may want to use during product research.

If an item in the search results can only be sold by Amazon, you'll see a message stating this instead of the product information:

Screen_Shot_2022-11-08_at_10.14.36_AM.png Product Details Page

When viewing a product's detail page on, you'll see breakdowns of restrictions, variations, categories, rank, and fee details for the item above its title.

  • If you are viewing the Product Details page for the Parent ASIN of an item, you will be alerted to choose the child ASIN (variation) you'd like to research to view its full details.


Product Alerts

When viewing the product detail page for an item, ScoutX will display the following Alerts for applicable items if turned on in Settings.

Amazon Restrictions

There will be different icons indicating whether or not you can sell the item. Clicking the icon will display a list of the conditions you are approved to sell.

  • A green checkmark next to the Amazon icon: You are not restricted from selling the item in any condition.

  • Orange alert next to the Amazon icon: You are restricted from selling the ASIN in one or more conditions.

  • Red crossed-out Amazon icon: You are restricted from selling the ASIN in all conditions.

  • If Amazon is accepting applications to sell a restricted product, you will also see a Request Approval in the Seller Central link. Tapping this will open a new tab in your browser where you can sign in to Seller Central and complete the steps to request approval.

  • If Amazon is not accepting applications to sell the product, you will see a note saying that Amazon is not currently accepting applications to sell this ASIN.



  • Hazardous material icon: Amazon has categorized the item as a dangerous good.


Note: ScoutX automatically checks if an item is hazmat (dangerous goods) for you. There is currently no setting to turn this Off. You will see an alert that an item is considered hazmat regardless of whether you are enrolled in the FBA Dangerous Goods program or not.

Product Information


In the Product Info section, you'll see the following information for the item:

  • ASIN: Both the Child and Parent ASIN will display when applicable. They can be copied by clicking the icon next to the ASIN.

  • Dimensions

  • Weight

  • UPC: This will be shown when available and can be copied by clicking the icon next to it.

  • Size Tier

Note: Depending on your Settings, this information may be located in the ScoutX Menu instead of on the page. For more information, please see: ScoutX: Settings - Layout.



You can enter your List Price and Buy Cost to view your potential profit for the item.

Note: If the Buy Box is not available, the lowest New List Price will be used. If there are no offers, the average New List Price over the last 90 days will be used.

  • Click a List Price displayed in the above Product Offers section to use those values.

  • Changing the List Price will adjust the MFN Target and FBA Target buy costs. These can be clicked to be used in the calculator.

Note: Your Desired ROI% will need to be entered in Settings to see Target buy costs.

  • As you adjust your List Price and Buy Cost, the Net Profit, ROI%, and Margin values for MFN and FBA will adjust accordingly.

  • Click the number of offers under FBA or MFN to show details for all offers on the listing.

  • This includes Seller Names, Ratings, Conditions, Est. Delivery Dates, Stock, List Prices, and if an offer has the Buy Box.

  • Click the i next to the Net Profit totals to display a breakdown of fees taken into account in the calculation.


Product Offers


You'll see information for the New and Used Buy Box offers (if available).

  • Buy Box: The List Price of the Buy Box offer.

  • Buy Box Eligible: The number of offers with a List Price less than or within 3% of the current Buy Box List Price (if any).

  • AMZ: The List Price of Amazon's offer (if applicable).

  • Low MFN: The List Price of the lowest Merchant Fulfilled offer (if applicable).

  • Low FBA: The List Price of the lowest FBA offer (if applicable).


Below the calculator are several tabs that can be used to do additional research on the item.



The Rank tab will display the current rank and BSR% for the item in its category along with the Average Rank, New Average, and Drops in rank for the last 30, 90, and 180 days.

  • Click the drop-down arrow next to a timeframe to display additional details.

  • Click it a second time to hide the details.




This interactive graph shows the price and rank history of the item on Amazon.

  • The timeframe can be changed to show data for 1 day, 1 week, 1 month, 3 months, 1 year, or for All time available.

Note: If pricing information is not available for an item over the span of the timeframe listed above, the option will be greyed out.

  1. To zoom in, click and hold your mouse at the beginning of the data you'd like to see.

  2. Drag your cursor to the end of the data.

  3. Let go of your mouse to show a zoomed-in view of data within selection.

    • You can perform multiple zooms if needed.

  4. To go back to the original view of the timeframe selected, click the timeframe again.

The graph is color-coded to show the following information when available:

  • Amazon's List Price

  • New Buy Box Price

  • Used Buy Box Price

  • Rank

  • Hover over the graph to show these details for each day.



  • The Offers tab will show the number of New, Used, and Total offers split by fulfillment channel (FBA and MFN) as well as totaled together to show All Offers.

  • Click the number of offers to trigger a pop-out on the Product Page to show the applicable offers for the listing.

Note: MFN offers are not able to be linked since Amazon does not filter them by fulfillment channel in the pop-out list at this time.



The Reviews tab will show a breakdown of the Amazon reviews for the item.

  • The total number of star Ratings and the Average number of stars rated are displayed, followed by each star Rating (1-5) and the percentage of the ratings they make up.

  • Click Read Reviews to open a new tab showing the Amazon reviews filtered by the star ratings.

Below the star ratings, the total number of Reviews is shown, followed by links to see reviews filtered by the following information:

  • Top Reviews

  • Most Recent Reviews

  • Most Recent Reviews (Verified Purchase)

Research Shortcuts

ScoutX provides you with convenient access to a list of icons that link to websites you may want to use during product research. You will also see any Custom Research Shortcuts you have added.


These options include:

  • Variations: If the item has variations, this icon will show and can be clicked to bring up a list with details for each variation.

  • Bookscouter: Links to a book buyback site.

  • eBay: Links to the search results based on the title of the product.

  • Google: Links to the search results for the title of the product.

  • CamelCamelCamel: Links to any sales price/rank history that is available for the ASIN.

  • Custom Research Shortcuts: Custom shortcuts created by you that allow you to search by ASIN on a website of your choice.

  • Add Item: Add the item being viewed to your Unlisted Inventory in InventoryLab.​

Add to Unlisted Inventory

If you decide to purchase an item to list on Amazon, you can add it to your Unlisted Inventory along with its purchase details. This allows for speedy listing (when the time is right) and also allows its value to be included on your Inventory Valuation report.

  1. Click the Add Item button located next to the Research Shortcuts in ScoutX.

  2. Click Unlisted Inventory.


    • This will open your InventoryLab Unlisted Inventory page in a new browser tab, with the ASIN pulled up automatically for you to add.


  3. Enter the MSKU, Purchased Date, Quantity, and any additional details you'd like to provide.

  4. Click + Add to Unlisted Inventory to finish this process.

    • If you've added the ASIN to your Unlisted Inventory before, you will have the option to replenish your existing MSKU(s) when the new tab opens.


For more information on adding items to Unlisted Inventory, please see Unlisted Inventory - How to Add Items Manually.

Add to Google Sheets

You can add items you have sourced or want to reference later to a Google Sheets spreadsheet if the feature has been set up in your Settings and if you have set an Active Spreadsheet.

  1. Locate the item you would like to add.

  2. Click the Add Item button located next to the Research Shortcuts in ScoutX.

  3. Select the spreadsheet under the Add to Google Sheets section.


For more information on this topic, please see ScoutX: Using ScoutX with Google Sheets.


If an item has variations, the Variations button will be displayed with the Research Shortcuts. A Variations tab will also be displayed in the lower area of the screen.

  • Click either option to display a list showing information and reviews for each of the variations currently in the catalog for the ASIN.


What's next?

  • Check out Scoutx: Settings to learn how to adjust your ScoutX settings to your preferences.

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