Customize ScoutX to your specific needs. Adjust the Product Alerts, Layout, Calculations, and Custom Research Shortcut options within your ScoutX settings.
In this Guide
View & Managing your Settings
To view and manage your ScoutX settings, click the gear icon.
Note: This icon is available when viewing a product's detail page on
To close Settings, click the x icon.
When viewing the product detail page for an item, ScoutX will display Alerts for Restricted items.
Note: The intention of the Amazon Restrictions alert is to show you Seller-related restrictions for products, such as category, brand, or condition restrictions.
To turn these alerts on, click the toggle to change it to Show.
To turn them off, click the toggles to change them to Hide.
ScoutX automatically checks if an item is hazmat (dangerous goods) for you. There is currently no setting to turn this Off. You will see an alert that an item is considered hazmat regardless of whether you are enrolled in the FBA Dangerous Goods program or not.
For more information on these alerts, please see- ScoutX: Overview- Product Alerts
Add items you have sourced or want to reference later to a Google Sheets spreadsheet without ever needing to leave ScoutX.
Click the toggle to change it to On or Off
With it turned On, you will see a Google Sheets icon in the ScoutX display.
Custom Columns
When Google Sheets is turned On, the Custom Columns area will appear.
This is where you can manage columns you have added as options on your Google Sheets.
1. Click the + (plus sign)
2. Add the name of the new column
3. Tap Enter/Return on your keyboard to save.
Column names can be up to 40 characters long.
Once saved, the column will be available to include when setting up Google Sheets in ScoutX.
Deleting Columns
1. Click the column in the list
2. Click the Trash Can Icon
(Hold the Shift key on your keyboard to select multiple columns.)
3. Select Ok to proceed.
Once deleted, the column will no longer be available to include when setting up Google Sheets in ScoutX.
For information on how the Google Sheets integration works with ScoutX, please see- ScoutX: Using ScoutX with Google Sheets
Change what information is shown and where ScoutX displays information in your browser by adjusting your Layout settings.
Product Info
To save some space, you can choose to display the basic information for items in the ScoutX menu instead of on the page.
By default, On Page will be selected. To change this, click the In Menu option.
Here is an example of how the Product Info is displayed with On Page selected:
If In Menu is selected, an "i" icon will appear next to the gear icon that can be clicked to see the Product Info:
Position Widget
Change where ScoutX displays information on an item's Product Detail page by clicking the different options in the Widget Position section.
These options include:
Docked Top- can be collapsed or expanded by clicking the minus or plus sign next to the Settings gear
Docked Left- can be collapsed or expanded by clicking the minus or plus sign next to the Settings gear
Above Product Image
Above Product Info -This is the Default
Above Buy Box
Docked Right - can be collapsed or expanded by clicking the minus or plus sign next to the Settings gear
Floating Window - Drag anywhere on the page. Can be collapsed or expanded by clicking the minus or plus sign next to the Settings gear
Include & Position Modules
Control what information ScoutX shows for items on Product Detail pages by unchecking/checking the module options below.
Product Info (Required)
Calculator (Required)
Product Offers
Change the position of the modules selected by dragging and dropping them in this area.
Tabs & Calculator Results
Control what information ScoutX shows for items on Product Detail pages by unchecking/checking the Tab and Calculator options below.
Note: To change the order of the tabs, click and hold the dots. Drag and release them to save the new order.
Calculator Results:
Target Buy Cost
Net Profit
Adjusting the Calculations settings allow you to personalize them to your specific needs.
Universal Options
These settings are used for all items when researching items with ScoutX.
Match the Buy Box - Toggle On to automatically use the Buy Box price as the List Price
Note: If the Buy Box is not available, the lowest New List Price will be used. If there are no offers, the average New List Price over the last 90 days will be used.
Sales Tax - Enter a sales tax percentage to include in Buy Cost calculations
Discount - Enter a discount percentage to include Buy Cost calculations
Desired ROI - Enter a percentage here to use the Target Buy Cost feature
MFN & FBA Options
These settings are used for items depending on which fulfillment channel it selected- MFN or FBA.
MFN Options
Calculate MFN- Toggle On to show Target MFN Buy Cost and number of MFN offers
Est. MFN Shipping- Enter an estimated shipping rate to include in calculations
Other Expenses- Enter any additional expenses to include in Buy Cost calculations
FBA Options
Calculate FBA - Toggle On to show Target FBA Buy Cost and number of FBA offers
FBA Shipping - Enter an estimated shipping rate per lb to include in calculations
Other Expenses - Enter any additional expenses to include in Buy Cost calculations
Est. Storage Time - Enter an estimated storage time in months to include in calculations
Custom Research Shortcuts
You can create two custom shortcuts to search by ASIN on a website of your choice.
For detailed steps to set these up, please see- ScoutX: Setting Up Custom Research Shortcuts
What's next?
To see the different areas and information available in ScoutX, please checkout- ScoutX: Overview