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ScoutX: Variations
Updated over 3 weeks ago

ScoutX can display details for variations of an item without you ever having to leave its Product Detail page on Amazon!

In this Guide

How to View Variations

If you are viewing the Product Detail page for an item that has variations, a Variations button will be displayed as a Research Shortcut. A Variations tab will also be displayed in the lower area of the screen.

  • Click the Variation button or Variation tab to display information and reviews for each variation currently in the catalog for the ASIN.


You can see reviews and information for each item variation in the Variations Review window.

Variations Reviews

The Variation Reviews section shows information on Amazon Verified Purchase reviews.

  • The date the reviews first became available will be displayed as shown in the example image below.

  • Reviews are displayed in separate lists by displayed by variation type (i.e. Size, Color, etc) and will show the number of reviews for each variation and percentage they make up out of the total number of reviews for all variations.

Note: If there are many variations for an item, you may need to scroll down to see the details for all of them.

  • Click the arrow next to Variations to Hide or Show the Variation Reviews.


Variations List

Above the list of variations, the Average Price of all the variations is displayed.


The list contains the following sortable columns:

Title: The product title

UPC: Will be shown if available


  • Click the ASIN to open a new tab with the item's Product Detail page.

  • Click the copy icon to copy the ASIN.

  • Click the graph icon to see a static graph showing changes in the item's List Price.


Reviews: The number of reviews for the ASIN and the percentage they make up out of the reviews for all the variations.

Ratings: The average star rating

Rank- The current rank

Variation Types - Each variation type (i.e. Size, Color, etc) will have its own column.

Low $- The price of the lowest offer

Low FBA $- The price of the lowest FBA offer

Buy Box $- The Buy Box price

Amazon $- Amazon's List Price (if applicable)

Offers- The number of offers on the listing. Click the number to see the offers displayed on the side of the page. Click the i to see a list of Sellers, Fulfilment Channel Type, Rating, Condition, Expected Delivery Date, and List Price for each offer. A box icon will be displayed next to an offer if it has the Buy Box.

  • Click the List Icon near the search bar to customize which columns are shown.

  • A menu will open where you can select only the information you want to see.

  • Click the Out-of-Stock and In-Stock buttons to filter the variations by stocked status.

  • They will also show the number of variations for each status.

  • Clicking the button so it is greyed out will hide the applicable variations

  • Clicking it again so it is highlighted will show them.


The search bar can be used to search by title, ASIN, color, size, or keyword.

  • Click the X in the search bar to clear the results.


The total number of available variations can be seen at the bottom of the window.

  • The default number of rows shown in the list is 50, but this can be changed to 10, 25, 50, 100, or All by clicking the current setting as shown below:


If there are too many variations to display in the list, click the arrows or numbers at the bottom of the window to view additional rows.



To export the Variations List, click the Download icon near the search bar and choose a format for the file.


The available formats are:

  • JSON

  • XML

  • CSV

  • TXT

  • SQL


The file will download to your computer in the format you choose.

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