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Set Up a Zebra Printer Using IL Print - Windows
Set Up a Zebra Printer Using IL Print - Windows
Updated over 3 weeks ago

Thermal Zebra-brand printers are compatible with IL Print! Just follow the below steps.

This article will cover setting up IL Print on Windows OS. If you use a Mac, please see our Mac OS instructions.

Note: Amazon Coretto is part of the installation for IL Print.

Setting up a Zebra Printer With IL Print

Important Note: Before you begin, please ensure you have followed the steps to install the Zebra drivers on your computer. You can find the latest drivers here.

To get started, select your account name in the upper right corner and choose Settings.

Select Printing from the left menu.


Click the Set Up Your Printer button.


Once selected, you will see the option to use the Standard print method (to print using your web browser) or to use IL Print. Click Try IL Print.


You will be directed to download IL Print so that it can be installed on your computer. Click Download IL Print to proceed.


The IL Print application will automatically begin to download, which you will typically see in the lower-left corner of your browser.

If you do not have downloaded files set to open automatically once complete, you can click on the arrow next to the file in your browser and select Open to launch the installation wizard.


Note: If the download does not appear in your browser bar at all, try navigating to This PC > Downloads and double-clicking IL Print 1.0.exe to open it.

Follow the prompts in the installation wizard to install IL Print.


Note: In the case that you do not have an updated version of Java installed, you may see an Installation Failed error. If this occurs, follow the prompts to update your Java software and then re-try the installation.


Once you have received the Successful Install message, the IL Print application should be open and running on your computer.

To make sure, check that the IL Print icon is visible in your system tray, which can be found on the right side of your Windows Taskbar.


Now that IL Print is running, switch back to InventoryLab and click Next to finish setup.


Select your printer model, label size, and orientation if applicable to the label type.


After making your selections in InventoryLab, click Finish Setup.

Your printer will now be displayed under the Manage Printer section in your Print Settings.


Clicking the Remove Printer button will clear your print settings for a fresh start.

Clicking the Print a Test Label button will print an example label to check your current settings.

Clicking the Re-Download IL Print button will download the application again if needed.

You'll also want to check to make sure the label size selected in Stratify matches your label size in the Options tab of the Printing Preferences for the Zebra, and make any needed changes.


The orientation should be Portrait.

If you're running into label quality issues, try clicking on the Dithering tab and changing the setting to None.

That's it! You're now ready to print properly formatted FNSKU labels using InventoryLab.

For information on the options available under the Manage Label Printing section of your Print Settings page, please see Print Settings.

Supported Label Sizes for Zebra

We currently support the following sizes of labels for Zebra printers:

  • 2.5" x 1"

  • 2.625" x 1"

  • 2" x 1"

  • 3" x 1"

  • 2.25" x 1.25" (30334)

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