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Print Settings
Updated over 2 months ago

InventoryLab can print properly formatted FBA labels using any of the following brands of featured thermal printers - DYMO (Windows or Mac), Zebra (Windows or Mac), Brother, or Rollo.

For 30-up labels, these will download as a .PDF to your computer's downloads folder to be printed with your preferred inkjet or laser printer. Since these labels are printed outside of InventoryLab, you do not need to set up a printer within the Print Settings page. More information can be found here: 30-Up Label Printing.

To manage your print settings, click your Account Name > Settings.

Click Printing from the left menu.


If you find that you need to switch up your print settings while listing on the List>List & Prep page, you can also click the Print Settings button next to Open Batches for quick access.


Manage Printer

The Manage Printer section is where you can set up/change your printer, print test labels, and switch up your label type when needed.


Clicking the Set Up a Printer button will take you through the steps to install your thermal printer. Since each printer brand requires a different process, we have the installation instructions listed on our Printer Setup page for each brand.

To change your label type, click the current label next to Label Size and choose a different one from the dropdown menu.

Clicking the Remove Printer button will clear your print settings for a fresh start.

Clicking the Print a Test Label button will print an example label to check your current settings.

When using InventoryLab's IL Print feature, clicking the Re-Download IL Print button will download the application again if needed.

Manage Label Printing

Under the Manage Label Printing section, you have several options for printing labels that help you automate the process. Clicking the toggles next to these options will turn them On or Off.

Note: Automatic printing is only available for thermal labels. 30-up labels need to be printed manually, as detailed here: 30-Up Label Printing.

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After Adding to an FBA Batch - When enabled, the correct quantity of labels will automatically print for an item after adding it to an FBA batch.

After Adding to an MFN Batch - When enabled, the correct quantity of labels will automatically print for an item after adding it to a Merchant Fulfilled batch.

After Quantity Edit - With this enabled, additional labels will automatically print when you increase the quantity on an item in a batch.

During Scan to Pack - With this enabled, labels will print as you scan the UPC barcodes on your items while assigning box contents.

Include Expiration Date - With this enabled, expiration dates entered for items while listing will be included on the labels.

Unified 2D & Box Labels - With this enabled, your 2D labels and Box labels will be combined when printing them when the Box Content setting for your batch is set to On- Using 2D Barcodes.

For more information, please see: How to Print Unified 2D Box Labels.

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