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List 2.0 FAQs
Updated over 2 weeks ago

What changes has Amazon made, and how do they affect me?

On January 21, 2025, at 7:00 PM EST / 4:00 PM PST, Amazon removed the Fulfillment Inbound API v0 that all third-party listing tools relied on, including InventoryLab. We were required to move to the new v2024-03-20 API. This major overhaul by Amazon places more power in the hands of the seller, allowing more freedom for how you box your products and giving you more choices on which fulfillment centers you want to ship to. However, it also has known drawbacks, such as a long processing time for validating new MSKUs. Amazon assures us they are working on solutions.

Why did InventoryLab start redesigning the List & Prep workflow in Q4?

Since Amazon had originally stated it would remove the old API on December 20, 2024, we had no choice but to implement a redesign in Q4. Our goal with launching a beta earlier in Q4 was to give you a chance to see our changes and give us feedback before the old workflow was removed.

In the end, the change went through on January 21, 2025. While we've made the transition to the new API, we aren't slowing down. We're still hard at work implementing fixes and improvements based on your feedback. Learn more about our upcoming features and vote for more here!

Is there a comprehensive list of the changes?

Amazon Changes

  • Packing groups: Amazon will split items that cannot be packed together apart. Factors include:

    • Label choices: Amazon-labeled and seller-labeled items cannot go in the same box

    • Safety: dangerous goods (hazmat) must be separated from other products

    • The weight & dimensions of your items and their storage types

  • Sellers now box their items before Amazon creates shipment plans, which means your shipments are based on the boxes you submit content for, not just the items.

  • Placement options: more transparent options for your placement fees, including a breakdown of shipment fees for each placement choice.

InventoryLab Changes

  • New look and feel — we’ve upgraded to a much more modern design

  • Use Quick Box to create multiple identical, single-SKU boxes instantly

  • Search your inventory from List to add items to your batch

  • Get your MFN shipping templates automatically — no more manual import process

  • See product sales and rank history for each item you review to add to a batch (optional)

How do these changes benefit my workflow?

  • We’re implementing a number of user requests in addition to making the changes required by Amazon. You’re now be able to filter by FBA inventory when adding products to a batch, view price history graphs in-app without clicking out to third-party tools, and create multiple duplicate boxes at once with Quick Box.

  • Even some of the changes mandated by Amazon are an improvement for sellers. For example, you have the opportunity to box your items before Amazon determines where your boxes should go, rather than waiting for Amazon to determine where each item should go before boxing.​

Can I continue using the "old" workflow?

No. On January 21, Amazon deactivated the old API. List 2.0 is now the only workflow available in InventoryLab.

How can I quickly update my team on the new processes?

We have plenty of resources to help you learn the different changes in our List 2.0 resources hub! Here, you can review walkthrough articles and videos to quickly understand the changes.

We also regularly offer live courses specifically for training our users and their teams. Check out List 2.0 Customer Coaching to sign up! Of course, you can always reach out to us at [email protected] with any questions you have along the way.

What happened to a certain feature?

Some features you’re used to from List 1.0 may not be available yet. If that's the case, they're almost certainly in active development or planned for the near future if it's possible for us to recreate them on the new API. If there are any you have questions or feedback about, please reach out via [email protected].

Why did you make more changes than just the basic bare minimum?

Adapting InventoryLab to the new API required a complete redesign of the List & Prep workflow. We had already been working on an improved look and feel for the app and had a number of feature requests that could only be implemented as part of a major redesign. Rather than redesigning just for the API changes now and then launching another redesign shortly afterward, we decided to do it all at once to minimize disruptions.

What happens if I experience issues with the new workflows?

Our team is here to help during our support hours of 8 AM to 5 PM ET. If you run into any issues, have a bug to report, or would like to offer some feedback, please email us at [email protected] to ensure we can prioritize your concerns.

If I started a batch in the old workflow, can I finish it in the new workflow?

Due to the differences in APIs used for each workflow, any batches created in the old workflow cannot be completed in the new one.

If you had any unfinished batches in List 1.0 on January 21, those batches were closed automatically. However, you can find them under List > Archived Batches and import them as List 2.0 batches to recover your item lists.

If I start a batch in the new workflow, can I finish it in the old workflow?

No. It is no longer possible to use the old workflow, since Amazon has deactivated the API it relied on.

What happens if I had a batch/batches in the old workflow on January 21, 2025?

If you still had an open batch in the old workflow at 7:00 PM EST on January 21, 2025, that batch was converted to a closed batch automatically. You can find it under List > Archived Batches and import it as a List 2.0 batch to recover your item list.

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