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Box It (Video)
Updated this week

So, you've created an FBA batch with Box Contents On. You've entered all your items and quantities in the Find It step. Now, you're ready to get everything boxed!

The video below will walk you through assigning your items to boxes and submitting them to Seller Central. It's also loaded with tricks for speeding up your boxing workflow, including brand-new tools like Quick Box.

Notes on this video:

  • You no longer need to restart a batch if you discover your quantities are slightly off. You can adjust item quantities by up to six items or 5% in Seller Central later, after you pay for shipping.

  • We have added the option to restore a batch as promised!

  • Submitting batches via 2D barcode is in working development and will be available soon.

  • Scanning UPC barcodes will only work with items that have been manually added to a batch by searching in Find It.

  • Deleting boxes in InventoryLab has been found to cause mismatches between InventoryLab's box numbers and Amazon's. We recommend that you do not delete any boxes unless absolutely necessary.

  • The Next: Ship It button is now simply Next.

  • Archive Batch has been renamed Close Batch.

  • You are now able to continue to Ship It rather than completing your shipment in Seller Central!

Resources Mentioned in This Video

Print Settings – Discover your printing options and find links to in-depth guides.

What's Next?

You're almost done! Visit our Ship It guides and choose the instructions that match your workflow. Before long, you'll be printing your shipping labels and sending your batch to Amazon!

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