There are a few reasons in which your Replenishment inventory totals may look different than what your total received/sold in Seller Central shows. Resolving alerts helps make sure your accounting and report figures stay accurate.
Reasons for Inventory Alerts
Multi-channel orders were fulfilled: Amazon depletes your inventory, however, InventoryLab does not yet track multi-channel orders to link the inventory depletion to.
You are in your trial period or are out of your trial and haven't synced your historical data: In a trial period, you only have access to the past 60 days of sales. If you add in your inventory and buy costs during this time, it will be off since it isn't pulling in all of your sales. If you are out of the trial period, follow the How Do I Get Data from Before I Signed Up for InventoryLab? article.
Remote Fulfillment with FBA orders: Starting October 20, 2021, we were able to pull in Remote Fulfillment (RF) quantities backdated to August 20, 2021. If you had RF orders prior to August 20, 2021, InventoryLab was not able to link these orders to the inventory depletion automatically. To correct this, follow the How Do I Get Data from Before I Signed Up for InventoryLab? article.
Remote Fulfillment orders sync to be accounted for within your replenishments once per day.
If you manually accounted for Remote Fulfillment orders between August 20, 2021 - October 20, 2021, this may be causing alerts.
Pending Orders: InventoryLab does not account for units in removals, disposals, or liquidations until the orders have been completed. If Amazon adjusts your inventory in Seller Central before reporting the order as complete to us, this may cause alerts.
In addition, units in pending sales are not accounted for until they have shipped.
Removal Orders (pre-2019): Before changes in 2019, we did not track how removal orders affected your inventory. If you've accounted for these manually, you will need to add that inventory back into your replenishments, as we have automated this.
Amazon received less or more than what was listed in InventoryLab: There may have been a receiving error when your shipment arrived, the quantity for the shipment may have been altered outside of InventoryLab, or you may have accidentally sent in more or less of what you stated you were sending in InventoryLab.
Listing Outside of InventoryLab: When you list outside of InventoryLab, no replenishments are created.
Re-listing MFN Returns through Seller Central: Since customer returns for MFN orders are not automatically placed back for sale, we do not automatically add this back into your InventoryLab quantities. In order to account for this, re-list your item through InventoryLab or manually add the quantity in your Inventory pages.
Declining or Deleting Shipments: If you declined a shipment in InventoryLab prior to July 2019, and did not later send that inventory in through Seller Central, those inventory quantities were not deleted from your replenishments. The same happens if you delete a shipment in Amazon and never recreate and send in that shipment.
Deleting MSKUs out of Shipment Box Contents in InventoryLab: If you delete an MSKU out of your box contents in InventoryLab, you still need to adjust the replenishment made for that item.
Sending Product Feeds through InventoryLab Without Creating Shipments: Sending product feeds only through InventoryLab creates replenishments for items. If you do not create and send in any shipments to account for these quantities, you will have an excess of inventory quantities in your replenishment.
Expired Inventory: Amazon no longer creates disposal orders for these to track. They are just adjusted out of your inventory.
You are enrolled in Amazon's In-Stock Head Start Pilot program: Your quantities for certain ASINs will be double-counted between inbound and available. If this is the case for a certain MSKU, it is advised to not make corrections, but wait until all of your inventory is received at Amazon for the quantities to become correct.
You had more sales for the MSKU than you entered quantities in InventoryLab for: This would be indicated by a negative number in the Remaining column as the sales are still added in, even when there isn't a sufficient quantity.
You have unshipped MFN Sales: These sales will take quantity from Amazon's On Hand, but not from your remaining column just yet. In this case, you just wait until you ship the items.
You have FBA orders that Amazon has not yet removed from your inventory: Sometimes Amazon will take a quantity out of On Hand, but the order hasn't shipped yet so it hasn't been subtracted from your Remaining quantity. You will need to just wait until Amazon adjusts this out of your inventory.
Correcting your Replenishments
After finding the possible reason for your quantity difference, you can correct your replenishments by taking the following steps:
More Quantity than Amazon
If there is more inventory showing in your replenishments than your remaining On Hand from Amazon, you can click the quantity under the corresponding Replenishment Row sequence and decrease the Purchased Qty amount so that the First In, First Out sequence will apply correctly for your orders.
If the entire replenishment needs to be removed, you can delete it by selecting the checkbox to the left of the row, then click Delete at the bottom of the page.
Less Quantity than Amazon
If there is less inventory showing in your replenishments than your remaining On Hand from Amazon, you can click the quantity under the corresponding Replenishment Row sequence and increase the Purchased Qty amount.
You can also add a new Replenishment Row with different accounting information by clicking Add Replenishment at the bottom of the page.