If you have income you want to track on your Profit & Loss report that is not automatically synced from Amazon, you can add it under Accounting > Other Income. Many customers sell on additional platforms (eBay, Etsy, etc.) and choose to track the income on this page.
The page will display the following sortable columns:
The default view of this page shows all income entries. The Advanced Search can be utilized to view the entries within a specific timeframe or a custom date range.
You can Export any view you select.
The Total Income amount for the timeframe being viewed is displayed at the bottom of the page.
Hover over the bar graph to display the individual category totals that make up the Total Income amount.
Adding Other Income Entries
Clicking + Add brings up a window below where you can enter the category, name, date, amount, and a description for the entry.
Note: The Category and Name fields have 50-character limits.
Once you fill out the information, click Save.
The entry will be displayed as a stand-alone transaction on the Accounting > Other Income page and will show up on your Profit & Loss report with the category name.
If you have several entries to add, you can follow these steps to import them in bulk- Bulk Import Accounting Details into Other Income cia .CSV.
You can set up your Other Income categories ahead of time in your Settings, or you can add to the categories as you create Other Income entries by entering a new one in the Category field.
If you enter a category for an entry that doesn't already exist, an Add button will appear to the right of the category. Click Add to add it to your category list.
You can also click Edit next to existing categories to edit or delete them.
Editing and Deleting Other Income Entries
To edit an existing entry, click the checkbox next to it. You can also click the checkboxes next to multiple entries to edit them in bulk, or click the top checkbox to edit all the entries at once.
Once selected, click Action on selected towards the top of the page, and click Edit from the dropdown menu.
A window will open on the right side of the screen where you can make changes to the name, category, amount, date, and description for the entries selected. Once done, click Save.
To delete an entry, click the checkbox next to it. You can also click the checkboxes next to multiple entries to delete them in bulk, or click the top checkbox to select all the entries if needed.
Once selected, click Action on selected towards the top of the page, and click Delete from the menu.
You will be asked to confirm if you'd like to delete the selected entries. Click Yes to proceed.
What's Next?
For more information on your inputting your Other Expenses, please review Other Expenses.
If you're interested in learning about importing your Other Income in bulk, please review this article: Bulk Import Accounting Details into Other Income via .CSV.
To review how your Profit & Loss is displayed, you can peruse this article: Profit & Loss.