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Updated over 2 weeks ago

Notifications are available to alert you of reminders you have set and any system-related updates of any important issues or concerns that may affect your use of InventoryLab.

When you have a notification, you will see a red numeric flag by the bell icon in the upper right of the page near the account Name.

To view your notifications, click the bell icon.


Below is an example of the Notifications page. Clicking an empty star next to a notification moves it to the top of the list and identifies it as Important.



While listing, you can set a reminder date for any of your items with a memo. You can then be notified about those reminders on the date you set.

For example, if I have an item expiring on 12/1/2023, I can set a reminder while I list for 8/23/2023 with the memo expiring in 100 days, sell or destroy then on 8/23/2023 and I will be notified by InventoryLab under the notifications tool, which is located at the top of the screen next to Settings.

This image shows where to input reminders while listing:


Setting up Email Notifications for Reminders

You can set up email notifications for reminders by navigating to Settings > General > Notifications and clicking the toggle next to Email Notifications to enable this feature.


InventoryLab Update Notifications

You’ll also see any system-related updates our awesome team has provided to alert you of any important issues or concerns that may affect your use of InventoryLab. This section is where InventoryLab will communicate important messages to you.

To view system-related updates, click the Updates option on the left.


All Notifications

To view all notifications together, click the All Notifications option on the left. Reminders and Updates are color-coded to make viewing easier and are displayed in order by date (most recent to older).


Deleting Notifications

You can delete notifications one by one by clicking the Delete option below the notification you want to delete. When to asked if you are sure, click Yes to confirm or click No to go back.


To delete notifications in bulk, click the checkboxes next to the notifications you would like to delete and click Delete Selected Notification(s).


To select all notifications, click the checkbox next to Select All at the bottom of the page.

Note: Deleting notifications cannot be undone.

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