Providing box contents for large quantities of a single item is now easier than ever with the Quick Box tool. Follow the steps below to create multiple single-SKU boxes and case packs with the same weight and dimensions.
Click Quick Box under an MSKU.
Note: You can now use Quick Box for case packing your items. For more detailed information, please refer to the following article: How to Add Case-Packed Items to your Shipment.
Enter your box dimensions.
Enter the Total Boxes, Units per box, and Weight under Boxing Plan.
Note: If you're using this feature for case packs, if you add items or change dimensions after creating your cases, they will no longer be recognized by Amazon as case packs.
Click Create and Pack # Boxes.
The identical boxes you requested will be generated instantly.
Note: The boxes created will not auto-fill any existing empty boxes. For example, if you have an empty Box 1, it will start with creating Box 2, and Box 1 will remain empty. If you need Box 1 filled, add your quantities and dimensions to that box first, and either continue with Quick Box or use the Copy Box feature.
What's Next?
Looking for more ways to assign box contents? Check out Box Content - Assign/Remove Items in Bulk.