The Accounting > Reimbursements page captures all of the reimbursements you have received from Amazon. This page updates daily.
The page contains the following sortable columns:
ID: The Reimbursement ID#
If the reimbursement is related to an order you can search the Reimbursement report in Seller Central under Reports > Fulfillment > Payments > Reimbursements to find the original order information
Cash Qty: The number of units that were reimbursed with cash
Replaced Qty: The number of units that were reimbursed with physical inventory
Buy Cost
Profit: Reimbursement Amount less the Buy Cost
Description: The reason for the reimbursement
If the transaction is a Reimbursement Reversal, clicking its description will display the Original Reimbursement ID as well as the Original Reimbursement Type. These can be copied by clicking the copy icon next to them.
Clicking the description a second time will hide these details.
The default view of this page shows all reimbursements. The Advanced Search can be utilized to view the reimbursements within a specific timeframe or a custom date range.
You can also search the report by entering a Reimbursement ID, Title, MSKU, or by scanning the UPC into the Search bar.
You can Export any view you select.
Buy costs are not captured for Lost or Damaged items that are reimbursed with inventory, as this is considered a replacement and the buy cost will be captured once the item sells.
Buy costs are also not captured for transactions with a Customer Return reason. Instead, buy costs for these items are accounted for on the Accounting > Refunds page.
Reimbursements can be seen on the ledger on the Replenishment pages for an item in your inventory if:
You are cash reimbursed not due to a Customer Return
ββThere is a reversal reimbursement where Amazon takes away the cash they previously reimbursed and replace it with physical inventory