Adding items to your Unlisted Inventory page can come in handy to keep track of inventory at home or in your warehouse that you're not ready to sell on Amazon just yet.
This article will cover how to add items in bulk using a .csv but you can also add items individually by following these instructions: Unlisted Inventory - How to Add Items Manually.
Note: Unlike importing into the other Inventory pages or Accounting, importing into Unlisted Inventory is an ADD ONLY capability. It will not update data already in your Unlisted Inventory.
For example, if you export your Unlisted Inventory, make changes, and import it back in, you will be asked to add replenishment rows.
Rules for Importing to Unlisted Inventory
When importing files to add items to your Unlisted Inventory, please keep the following in mind:
If the Condition is left blank InventoryLab will automatically default the Condition to New.
If you do not include MSKUs in your file, they will be generated automatically for you based on your Custom Variable MSKU settings.
If you include ASINs in your file, they must already be existing ASIN's from Amazon's Product Catalog. If an item is not in Amazon's Product Catalog at all yet, you will need to add it in order to create an ASIN for it. This can be done here in Seller Central: Create a new product listing.
Cost/unit can NOT have a $ character and the date must be Month/Day/4 digit year.
Currently, you are only able to add one entry per MSKU when importing a file. If you have multiple entries for the same MSKU, you will be asked to merge them, and the units will take on the same accounting data (cost/unit, supplier, and purchased date) as the first entry for it in the file.
When including multiple tags for the same MSKU, they must be separated by spaces in the .CSV file.
At this time, the maximum number of tags that can be imported per MSKU is 16.
Individual tags must be 16 characters or less.
Importing a .CSV File to Add Items to Unlisted Inventory
Click Inventory > Unlisted Inventory.
Click the three lines in the upper right corner near the Search bar and click Import.
Select Browse to locate the saved .CSV file from your computer, then click Process File.
Note: A template to use to import Unlisted Inventory can be found at the bottom of this support article.
A modal will appear where you will need to select the corresponding columns with the file you are importing:
Required columns:
Purchased Date
Unlisted Qty
Note: If you have the Purchase Date feature enabled in your Inventory Management Settings, Purchased Date will not be a required field since it will automatically fill in with the current date.
Optional columns:
Exp. Date
Once you've matched up your columns, click Next to proceed with processing the file. Or, to go back and select a different file, click Cancel.
There are 3 steps in the process to import your file:
Fix Issues
The column headers indicate the information that is displayed in each particular column.
Items with the green Review Complete notation in the Review column have been processed successfully.
Items with a red issue in the Review column require action to be taken before they can be processed.
Merge MSKU: the file includes a duplicate entry for this MSKU. Clicking "Merge MSKU" will merge the qty to be included with the first entry for the MSKU.
At this time, the qty of units being merged will take on the same accounting data (cost/unit, supplier, and purchased date) as the first entry for it in the file.
Replenish MSKU: the file includes an item that InventoryLab recognizes as already existing in your Unlisted Inventory. Click "Replenish MSKU" to choose an existing MSKU to use.
Create New MSKU: the file includes an item that InventoryLab recognizes as already existing in your Unlisted Inventory. If you don’t want to replenish an existing MSKU, click "Create New MSKU" and a new one will be generated based on your Custom Variable MSKU settings.
Remove from Import: Clicking "Remove from Import" removes the item so it will not be added to your Unlisted Inventory.
If there is more than one issue that needs action, you can fix them in bulk by clicking Review in the lower-left corner of the screen.
Once actions have been taken on all issues, click Validate to move on to the next step.
The Validation step will check to make sure there are no other actions needed for the items. If there are more red issues in the Review column, you will need to click Revalidate after taking action for them. Information on the available actions can be found above.
Add to Inventory
Once all needed actions have been done, take one last look at the items to make sure everything is correct, then click Add Items to Inventory to complete the import process.
Note: If you import a list but no issues are found or actions are needed, you won't be taken to the "Fix Issues'" step in the import process and will go straight to "Add to Inventory" right away. This allows you to still review and remove items if needed before adding them to your unlisted inventory.
You'll then be taken back to the main view of the Unlisted Inventory page with a notification confirming how many items were added to your inventory.