The Offers tab is displayed by default in Scoutify when you are on the Details screen.
This section will show you how many Total Offers are available on Amazon for the selected product.
In the table underneath it, you will notice all, or a portion, of those offers displayed.
Note: Not all of the offers for the product are always displayed in this table. The Amazon API provides offers that they deem as competitive to display. Their terms and conditions for 3rd party applications, like InventoryLab, prevent us from being allowed to show all of the offers directly inside of our application.
New – Offers being fulfilled by the Merchant in New condition.
Used – Offers being fulfilled by the Merchant in Used condition. The price shown includes the shipping amount.
FBA – Offers being fulfilled by Amazon in either New or Used conditions. The price shown includes the shipping amount.
Additional Information
You may also notice small icons next to a listing in the offers table.
The Amazon Logo icon – If you see the Amazon logo, this means that Amazon is likely the owner of the offer.
Box icon – This icon indicates that the offer owns the Buy Box (Featured Offer).
Open Box icon - This icon indicates that the offer likely owns the used Buy Box (Featured Offer).
Different icons give a further breakdown of conditions in the MFN Used column and the FBA column:
N – The product for this offer is in New condition
LN – The product for this offer is in Like New condition
VG – The product for this offer is in Very Good condition
G – The product for this offer is in Good condition
A – The product for this offer is in Acceptable condition