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Scout History
Updated over 3 weeks ago

Scout History provides a list of every item researched with Scout.

This screen allows you to revisit the products scanned to see their profit and rank.

To see your Scout search history, click Research>History.


This page shows your entire history while using Scout, but you can also search for specific items from this list.

To see the search history for a specific item, enter the Product Title or ASIN into the search bar and click Search.


The results populate along with adding the search term to the breadcrumbs area in the upper left corner of the page:


Clicking on the History in the breadcrumb takes you back to the full list.

Clicking anywhere in the product line (except for the ASIN, which will open up the product page for the item) will open Scout with this product's information displayed. The breadcrumbs remain so you can navigate back to the search results, or to the full list, just by clicking on either!


You can also clear your Scout search history completely by clicking the Clear button at the top right.


When asked to confirm, click Yes to clear it or click Cancel to keep the history.

Note: When clearing history, it can take up to 5 minutes for the items to clear permanently.

If you have changed your Product Alerts or Ideal Buy settings or data has changed for a product after initially searching for it that affects these alerts, clicking on it to view the Details page will rerun the check.

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