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Scout - Viewing the Product Details Page
Scout - Viewing the Product Details Page
Updated over 3 weeks ago

After you select which ASIN to view, you will be directed to the Product Details Page in Scout.​

Product Information

On the Detail page, the upper left window displays additional information about the product selected:

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This includes:

  • Product Image - The image Amazon sends through the SP-API.

  • Product Title - The title of the listing.

  • ASIN - Clicking this link will take you directly to the page.

  • Target Cost/Unit - This is based on your Desired ROI settings.

  • Rank and Category - The rank of the item out of the total number of listings in that category.

  • Size Tier - The classification of the product based on dimensions and weight.

  • Weight - The total weight of the item in pounds.

  • Dimensions - The height, width, and length of the product in inches.

  • Prep Type (if provided by Amazon) - Refers to the specific preparation requirements Amazon has for products.

  • Trade-In Value (if applicable on Amazon) - The amount Amazon offers to customers who wish to trade in eligible items for Amazon gift card credit.

  • On-Hand - The current quantity in your inventory.

  • Product Alerts - If applicable, the Ideal Buy indicator and/or Amazon Restriction Product Alert will display if turned on in Settings. The Hazmat Product Alert will display if Amazon categorizes an item as dangerous goods.

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The Offers section displays what Amazon deems are the most competitive offers for this product:


The offers are split up into columns to show New (Merchant Fulfilled), Used (Merchant Fulfilled), and FBA (new, used, etc.).

Buy Box / Amazon

Scout displays icons that will show you which offer is in the new or used Buy Box (also known as Featured Offer) and which offer, if any, is likely from Amazon.



The first two columns in the Offers display show New and Used Merchant-fulfilled offers. The last column shows FBA.

Different icons give a further breakdown of conditions in the MFN Used column and the FBA column:

  • N – The product for this offer is in New condition

  • LN – The product for this offer is in Like New condition

  • VG – The product for this offer is in Very Good condition

  • G – The product for this offer is in Good condition

  • A – The product for this offer is in Acceptable condition

Note: Not all of the offers for the product are always displayed in this table. The Amazon API provides offers that they deem as competitive to display. Their terms and conditions for 3rd party applications, like InventoryLab, prevent us from being allowed to show all of the offers directly inside of our application.

Research Shortcuts

Scout provides convenient access to a list of icons that link to websites you may want to use during product research. You will also see any Custom Research Shortcuts you have added.


These options include:

  • Bookscouter – A book buyback site.

  • eBay – Links to the search results based on the title of the product.

  • Google – Links to the search results for the title of the product.

  • CamelCamelCamel – Links to any sales price/rank history that is available for the ASIN.

  • Amazon Offer Comparison – Links to the detail page on Amazon with a pop-out that shows the offers on the listing.

  • Amazon Restriction Tool - Links to the Seller Central Add a Product page where you can enter the ASIN or UPC to check your restrictions for the item.

  • Custom Research Shortcuts - Custom shortcuts created by you that allow you to search by ASIN on a website of your choice.

  • Edit Custom Research Shortcuts - The pencil icon to the far right of the research tools allows you to edit your Custom ASIN shortcuts right from within your settings. Just click the pencil and a window appears so you can edit or add them:


You can also turn them On or Off for the List page, Scout, and Scoutify. If you make any changes, be sure to save them, then click the X to exit the Settings overlay.

For more information on Custom Research Shortcuts, please see Setting up Custom Research Shortcuts.

Share Button

The Share button in the product details allows you to You can also send the product information via email, and copy the Scout URL for the item.


The email option opens up your default mail provider and sends the following information:

  • Scout URL - The Scout URL of the item.

  • Title - The title of the item.

  • ASIN - The ASIN of the item.

  • Sales Rank - The sales rank of the item.

  • Total Products in Category - The total amount of products in the item's category.

  • Total Offers - The total amount of offers for the item.

  • Main Category - The main category of the item.

  • Sub Category - The sub-category of the item, if applicable.

  • Original List Price - The originally listed price of the item.

  • Buy Box - New - The new Buy Box of the item, if applicable.

  • Buy Box - Used - The used Buy Box of the item, if applicable.

  • Author - The author of the item, if applicable.

  • Dimensions - The dimensions of the item.

  • Size Tier - The size tier of the item.

  • Prep Instructions - The prep instructions of the item, if applicable.

  • Ideal Buy - Whether or not the item matches what you think is an ideal buy based on your Ideal Buy settings.

What Next?

Now that you're familiar with the Product Details Page, you're ready to see your product's profitability. See Scout - Profitability.

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