You can view your InventoryLab subscription details, update your credit card information, switch your subscription plan, and view your billing history all under the Plan & Billing sections of the My Account page.
Viewing Subscription Details
To view or manage your subscription, click your Account Name in the right-hand corner of the page.
Select My Account in the dropdown menu.
Locate the Plan & Billing sections.
Updating Credit Card Info
To update your credit card information, navigate to the Billing section and click Update Billing Details.
Enter the name on the card, card number, expiration date, CVV number, and zip code.
Below the card details, you can update your Business Address if needed.
Click the toggle On/Off to Share my Business Address with the Customer Appreciation Team.
When turned on, this address may be used to ship InventoryLab branded swag and other customer care goodies!
Click Save Billing Updates when finished.
Note: For steps to change the Business Name included on your FBA Shipping Labels, please see How to Change the Business Name for Your Ship From Address.
Switching Subscription Plans
To change your subscription, navigate to the Plan section and click Change My Plan.
If you have not yet entered your business address, you will be prompted to add it before making changes to your plan. You can also click the toggle On or Off to Share my Business Address with the Customer Appreciation Team.
Enter your Country/Region, Address, City, State, and Zip Code.
Click Next: Change My Plan.
Note: You can also click Cancel My Plan to discontinue service. For details, please see How to Cancel Your Subscription.
When changing your subscription, you currently have the choice of either a Monthly subscription at $69/month, or an Annual subscription at $690/year.
In addition to changing your base subscription plan, you can click the toggle to subscribe or unsubscribe from the Insights add-on, which is $25 per month.
Make your selection and click Save Plan Changes.
Once done, the information in the Current Plan and Upcoming Charges areas will update to show the details of your updated subscription.
Billing History
To review your previous billing invoices click Billing History under the Billing section.
This will open a window showing each Invoice Number, Date, Amount, last four digits of the Credit Card used, and if a refund was issued for the amount.
If you have multiple pages of transactions (20 will load per page) you can navigate between them by using the Previous and Next buttons.
Click the Invoice number to view or save a copy of your invoice to your computer.
The Invoice will download to your computer as a .PDF file.
What's next?
Interested in learning more about our add on subscription? Check out Managing Your Insights Trial and Subscription