While we are not currently running any special promotions, signing up to be billed Annually provides you an automatically discounted rate of $690 for a 12-month period (which is a savings of $138 compared to having the standard Monthly plan of $69/month over the span of a year.)
If you are currently subscribed to the Monthly plan and would like to switch to Annual to take advantage of this rate, follow the steps below!
Click your Account Name>My Account and locate the Plan section.
Click the Switch to Annual button next to your Current Plan and Upcoming Charges information.
Note: You can also switch your subscription type by clicking the "Change My Plan" button.
Confirm that the Annual Plan is selected as the Plan option and click Save Plan Changes.
Once done, the Current Plan and Upcoming Charges areas will update to reflect your new subscription plan, which will be charged once your account is due for payment again.